Friday, Jul. 26, 2024

Marathon Completed!

Thanksgiving has been and gone, and Christmas is nearly less than a week away. The two new boys have unfortunately been held in quarantine due to other horses on the flight not passing some blood work. I hope they get released at the end of this week, as I’m sure they will be pleased to get some turn out and personal attention.

Phillip took a couple of days off to go to the convention, and now we are back in full swing getting horses into work before we head to Aiken. I can't believe we will be competing for the first time of 2011 in less than two months.



Thanksgiving has been and gone, and Christmas is nearly less than a week away. The two new boys have unfortunately been held in quarantine due to other horses on the flight not passing some blood work. I hope they get released at the end of this week, as I’m sure they will be pleased to get some turn out and personal attention.

Phillip took a couple of days off to go to the convention, and now we are back in full swing getting horses into work before we head to Aiken. I can’t believe we will be competing for the first time of 2011 in less than two months.

Apart from trying to stay warm, along with the rest of the East Coast, True Prospect is presently just ticking along getting prepared for another busy season. As I don’t have much to report on the horse front I hope not to bore you with my marathon tales!

After what seems a long time training, I finally got to put into action my running skills. The half marathon in Las Vegas was a big success for all. The running group consisted of Colby, Linda, Evie (Phillips’ wife) and me. Friends Shannon and Sara came along to cheer us all on. We all managed to behave ourselves on Saturday night and went to bed early to get some good zzzs!

With more than 32,000 people starting the “Rock and Roll” marathon, the organization was unbelievable. Everyone was split into 32 corrals depending on your expected completion time. The fastest people started first, and then each corral went out in one-minute intervals. 

Runners from all walks of life were giving it a go. Amongst the many Santas, super heros, and of course Elvises, there were the babies being pushed in chairs to 80-year-old folks running way better than me!

Of course this wouldn’t have been Vegas without the “Run Through Marriage” services. Yes that’s right—the bride and groom plus congregation could get legally married whilst stopping mid-course at the wedding chapel set up outside of the Venetian Casino!  


By mile 8 I was starting to feel the pain, but when a lady with a prosthetic limb passed me I knew I needed to put my head down and get on with it. I completed in 2 hours 43 minutes—not the last one!

I was actually pretty proud of my time. I didn’t think I would get it done under three hours. Evie was awesome and got it done in 1 hour 58 minutes.

I have to give a huge thank you to Phillip and Evie who allowed me to train in the mornings, which meant getting to the barn late on days that I had to run. I would not have been able to get the miles in if they had not supported me.

Of course all my co-workers need a big thank you as well for picking up the slack when I came in late. I have promised them all a few drinks as my show of appreciation!

I am not sure I will be jumping at the opportunity to run another marathon. I am thinking climbing a mountain somewhere exotic might be more my style! I did finish off my time in Vegas with a “base” jump from the Stratosphere Casino. It is the tallest casino in Vegas. I was attached to a steel cable, which lowered you at 45 mph to the ground—about a 900-foot drop. It was awesome! I definitely enjoyed the adrenalin rush and would have easily done that again!

Now back to reality. I wish everybody happy holidays and look forward to bringing you more news in 2011.





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