Saturday, Jul. 27, 2024

Competition Season Over…Finally!

It is already nearing Thanksgiving, but it is only now I can say we are officially done competing for 2010 at TPF.  Jennie and Kelley returned from California with well deserved smiles on their faces. Ping is now turned out at his owner's farm 10 minutes down the road from True Prospect. 



It is already nearing Thanksgiving, but it is only now I can say we are officially done competing for 2010 at TPF.  Jennie and Kelley returned from California with well deserved smiles on their faces. Ping is now turned out at his owner’s farm 10 minutes down the road from True Prospect. 

The week prior to Galway, Phillip and headed to Virginia H.T. in Lexington, Va. It was a fairly relaxed weekend with Phillip only riding six horses. All the young horses went well, looking confident and full of running at the prelim level. The show jumping is done in the coliseum, and this can sometimes be a challenge for horses that have not jumped inside before. Phillip was happy with all his mounts apart from Rocky who pulled two rails and moved down from first to fourth.

Phillip has since been on a trip to Europe looking for the next eventing star. He came home with some hopefuls on which he will follow up. By my next blog I should be able to tell all about any new ponies added to the team. 


He came home last Friday to teach a clinic at the farm on Saturday and Sunday. We are presently running a little quieter at the barn. Most of the competition horses are on vacation until after Thanksgiving. We are presently focusing on the sale horses and the 3- and 4-year-olds. 

This time of year you hear the clippers going constantly. I actually took a two-day trip to Louisiana to clip for a friend of mine. Twelve horses in two days, made a little extra money and increased my clipping speed by 15 minutes!
I am still working away for the half marathon. Last Sunday I ran 12 miles. It was a little hard on my back, but I am still determined to make it through Vegas. Next week I am taking a few days off to spend Thanksgiving with friends in Aiken. Should be a blast!
Happy Thanksgiving to all…..




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