Saturday, Jul. 27, 2024

Open Between Rounds



I was recently told that I needed to be careful what I post since I am a public figure. I would like you to know that this post may make you angry, and we may disagree on this topic. I am 100 percent OK with that.

For those of you who disagree, either ignore me or help me understand why I am wrong. For those of you who agree with me, please help our sport by sharing this post. We can use the Fabergé Organics model: I’ll tell two friends, and you tell two friends and so on and so on.

As drug tests have evolved over the years, the USEF Drugs and Medications Department has continually upgraded their program to protect the horse and maintain a level playing field.

The U.S. Equestrian Federation Equine Drugs and Medications Program has worked to protect the welfare of equine athletes and ensure the balance of competition for more than 40 years. The safety and welfare of the horse is always our first and foremost concern; concerns about performance enhancement are secondary.

Our columnist insists young riders don’t need fancy horses or unlimited funds to learn how to ride and train—but they do need trainers who won’t give up on them.


Until about 10 years ago, our family always had dogs of proper size (at least knee-high) that displayed normal behavior. The Jack Russell terror in our house started with a phone call from friends who were at a terrier trial and saw these "adorable puppies" just desperate for a good home. At the time, neither my husband nor I had a clue about terrier trials or the fact that a Jack Russell is never desperate for anything.

This George H. Morris column was originally posted on the Chronicle's website in February 2008. 

You don’t have to show in the equitation division to reap the benefits of its lessons, according to our columnist.

It’s a bit ironic, but I think Irish rider Darragh Kenny is a great example of our American system, with its strong equitation influence, and how incredibly valuable it can be.

Our columnist considers the opportunities to learn more—from clinics to books to just some careful observation.

I’ve had the opportunity lately to do a bit more judging. I call this an opportunity because, as a professional, I feel that other than from the horses themselves, I’ve learned the most about horses and riding from judging.



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