Show jumper Devin Ryan, who on Sept. 8 was temporarily suspended from the U.S. Equestrian Federation due to horse abuse charges filed by stewards at the Hampton Classic Horse Show (N.Y.), has had his suspension lifted pending a hearing.
“The USEF Hearing Committee upheld the temporary suspension of Mr. Ryan and as part of their ruling required that the hearing on the merits of the charges be expedited,” said Colby Connell, the USEF Chief Marketing Officer. “However, the parties involved were unable to meet the expedited time requirement. In the interest of fairness and due process, the USEF lifted Mr. Ryan’s temporary suspension and continues to make every effort to expedite the hearing on the merits of the charges.”
Ryan was expelled from the grounds of the Hampton Classic on Aug. 28 after an inspection where USEF stewards and veterinarians found marks on the legs of five horses under Ryan’s care, and steward Ralph Alfano filed a charge of violation of horse welfare with the USEF.
There is currently no hearing date set for Ryan, but the USEF Hearing Committee has a scheduled session in November.