Monday, May. 6, 2024

Born in the USA

Dear Rita,

W, Gizmo and I have been in the good ole USA for exactly one week now. I love my life in Germany so much that sometimes I find myself forgetting about some great things in the USA—like ice cream sandwiches and 24-hour supermarkets where you can buy ice cream sandwiches at 6 a.m.



Dear Rita,

W, Gizmo and I have been in the good ole USA for exactly one week now. I love my life in Germany so much that sometimes I find myself forgetting about some great things in the USA—like ice cream sandwiches and 24-hour supermarkets where you can buy ice cream sandwiches at 6 a.m.

It took only 24 hours for Gizmo to go completely native. He was born in Indiana, and the Midwest never really left his blood. He consumed one entire bag of teriyaki flavored beef jerky while I was shopping at Walmart. Yesterday, I had to take him to the vet to get him some relief for the effects of that over-indulgence. I can’t believe he ate the whole thing. Fortunately, Walmart also sells glycerine suppositories at 6 a.m.

W, who has never been to America before, is slightly disappointed. He is underwhelmed by the Big Apple and can’t find the big deal in all this travel. The food is good, the circles in the sand are the same, and he just wants a show ring with lots of fans to admire his hair. If we are at a show, then where are all the spectators???? I hope y’all plan to come to Gladstone.

The one fan that is attached to the front of W’s box is very welcome at 95 degrees with humidity. And of course it fluffs up his hair, which he finds super cool.

I landed in New York and then scurried off to Virginia to teach a clinic near Richmond for Patrick and Lani Tigchelaar. Great clinic! Good horses, dedicated riders, interested auditors and efficient organization! My kind of job.

The new Stübben Genesis Special made its debut at the Tigchelaars’ and I must say that even I was surprised at its popularity. At least eight different riders of all levels—training to Int II—tried the saddle and ALL of them rode better. The visual was more than convincing. So I am pretty damn proud of my design. It’s been tested and proven, and it is going to help a lot of riders who are struggling unnecessarily with their seats.

The jury is still out on the Virginia style sushi however. Since when are deep fried Oreos and deep fried cheesecake considered Japanese desserts?!


Yesterday I taught a few lessons at Carol Seaman’s Outfoxed Farm in New York.  Now the Virginia clinic was a hotspot for Stübben lovers even before I showed up, but these New Yorkers are a hard sell and sceptical by nature!! Then they rode in my saddle. Hee, hee.  Many thanks to Carol for being that first guinea pig. And super pick on the Mexican restaurant—another one of those things that you can’t find in Germany!

In any case, Rita, every clinic that I teach reconfirms my belief in teaching the BASICS in nearly every ride. It is the rare exception when I see a rider for the first time and think “nice seat, super seat-to- hand connection, great half-halt, excellent self-carriage…OK let’s work.”

Nine out of 10 rides at any level need a tweak somewhere—straightness, elasticity in sitting, balance, contact, hands, hands, hands… But these things are necessary to our sport, and I get great satisfaction out of “fixing” riders that need a little help.

Between clinics, I’ve been enjoying myself immensely at Randi Leoni’s Hawk Hollow Ranch near the USET headquarters in New Jersey. W, Giz and I feel right at home and the training is going well. We will move into Gladstone on Monday.

I’m Catherine Haddad, and I’m saying it like it is from Bedminster, New Jersey!

Training Tip of the Day: True submission occurs not when the horse is dominated, but when he agrees to work with you. Think about this and approach your contact with the bit with this concept in your mind.




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