Monday, May. 13, 2024

A Day In The Life: Georgina Bloomberg


Based in North Salem, New York, and Wellington, Florida, Georgina Bloomberg was a member of the bronze medal-winning team at the 2015 Pan American Games (Ontario) with Lilli. Bloomberg has competed in two Longines FEI World Cup Finals and won the inaugural $210,000 Central Park Grand Prix (New York) with Juvina. Her son Jasper, 6, is currently showing in the short stirrup.

6:45 a.m. Time to wake up. I rarely sleep past 7 a.m. no matter how late I went to bed. I love mornings, and I like to get up early so I can have some time to watch the news and feed the dogs before my son Jasper wakes up. It’s the most peaceful time of the day for me, and I don’t like starting the day without a little quiet time to ease into the morning.

7 a.m. Breakfast time for the dogs! I have six rescue dogs at home right now, and I have a strict rule: They get fed before any humans do. Of course, each one has a slight difference in dietary needs, medications and taste, so I like to take it slow with feeding time and make sure everyone is getting what they need and will eat. Ralphie is one of my newest additions and always wants to be involved in everything I do.

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Ralphie wants to be part of every aspect of my day. Photos Courtesy Of Georgina Bloomberg

7:30 a.m. Breakfast time for the humans. Jasper and I like to eat breakfast together and talk about what we are going to do that day. Thankfully he is easy to please most mornings and eats whatever I put in front of him. I am­­—for the most part—a very healthy eater. I love breakfast and can’t live without it. I can skip lunch if I have to, but breakfast is non-negotiable for me, so I try to fill up on something healthy that will keep me going through the day if I don’t get a chance to eat again for a while.

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I always make sure I have a healthy breakfast to start my day.

8:30 a.m. Off to the barn. I decided not to compete this summer, which wasn’t easy, but I didn’t feel comfortable sending staff on the road or having to travel myself to any of the horse shows offered. I had to put my family and employees’ health and safety ahead of anything else, so we decided not to risk it and to stay home. Watching others travel and compete all summer wasn’t easy, but I knew it was the right thing for us.

But now it’s time to get back in the ring! I have not shown in six months, so there is a lot of rust to knock off. I needed a break when the lockdown came to Florida, so I welcomed a bit of time off, but I never imagined I wouldn’t show for this long. I have really enjoyed being able to be home and spend more time with friends and family this summer and am grateful for all the things I got to do that I usually can’t while I am competing in Europe. That being said, I couldn’t wait to compete again, and it’s so exciting to be working towards something. It feels great to get back out there in the show ring.

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Ready to school with Crown 5.

We are doing some final preparations to make sure the horses and I are ready. We do a lot of cavaletti work at home, which I find helps the horses become more adjustable and rideable, and it helps me keep my eye working and muscles ready without over-jumping the horses. We work on landing the correct lead, adding and leaving out strides, and other small things that can lead to big problems if not done properly when the jumps go up. My trainer, Jimmy Doyle, has been with me for 18 years, so we know each other incredibly well; he knows my strengths and weaknesses and exactly what I need to be working on.


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Cavaletti exercises are a great way to work on jumping skills without overtaxing the horses.

Between horses, I like to hang out with some of the rescue animals  at our farm. This is Petey, our goat who wears a mask to prevent him from eating everything in sight and making himself sick. We all wear masks here now, so he is thrilled that everyone is copying his look.

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Petey had to wear a mask far before the rest of us adopted the practice.

I also like to visit Wilbur, our pig, and Roger, our rooster, who both live at the main barn in North Salem with the show horses. (You can get to know Wilbur more in his Behind The Stall Door feature.)

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We got back out on the grass field, since our first show was on the grass field at Old Salem Farm (New York). We always try to prepare the horses for what they will see at any given show, and it also helps me as a rider feel more comfortable when I get out there.

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Enjoying our beautiful field.

12 p.m. On the road to the Hamptons! I have had a very different role this summer, but one that I take even more seriously than being a grand prix rider. I am now officially a pony mom!  One of the best things about not traveling to shows was that Jasper has been able to ride more. He did two local horse shows, and I have been able to be there every step of the way watching him and cheering for him.

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Staying home this year means more time at the barn with Jasper and JJ the pony.

He is riding at Evermore, Inc., which is based at Brightside Farm in Water Mill, New York, so we have been traveling back and forth to the Hamptons every week while I can manage to fit in a few days of riding my horses in North Salem as well. I love being able to concentrate on his riding for a few days and spend time with him at the barn while he learns about how to take care of the ponies and do things like clean tack, do his boots, and have fun with the other kids there.

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Jasper’s learning important aspects of horse care.

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Jasper hanging out with his pony Fairytales.

3 p.m. Birthday party time. Another silver lining of not showing this summer is being around more for everything in Jasper’s life and getting to do things like take him to sports classes and birthday parties. Today is his friend Larry’s birthday party at his home in Southampton. Moments like this are the perfect way to balance out the structure and discipline that he gets during his lessons at the barn, and it is a great way for him to let loose and go wild with other kids his age. I love being able to be there to watch him do this kind of thing instead of being on the road for a show.

DayLifeGeorginaBloombergPic #126 p.m. We finish the day with a sunset boat ride and fishing. When we are in the Hamptons we try to enjoy the beach and water as much as possible. Jasper is obsessed with fishing, so we spend a lot of time out doing that. Tonight, we get to enjoy a beautiful sunset as well, and it’s the perfect ending to a great day.

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Jasper has really started to enjoy fishing.



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