Friday, Jul. 26, 2024

2013 Pessoa/USEF Medal Finals Commentary

Molly Sorge, Mollie Bailey and Taylor Joyce comment on how the course is riding, what riders have really excelled, and what problems some riders run into.



1st Lillie Keenan

            André Dignelli and Heritage Farm

2nd Michael Hughes

            Eamonn Hughes, Missy Clark, John Brennan and North Run

3rd Charlotte Jacobs

            Missy Clark, John Brennan and North Run

4th Alexandra Maracic

            Kalyn Healey Fogarty, Ross Reisner, Scott Stewart, Ken Berkeley

5th Lauren Tyree

            Missy Clark, John Brennan and North Run

6th Allison Toffolon

            Andre Dignelli and Heritage Farm

7th Abby Bertelson

            Cookie Disimone and Greg Prince

8th Sydney Shulman

            Stacia Madden, Max Amaya, Krista Freundlich

9th Alexandria Desiderio

            Andre Dignelli and Heritage Farm

10th Kelli Cruciotti

            Don Stewart Stables & Cindy Cruciotti

11th Caitlin Boyle


The judges are testing six riders without irons. They’re all coming back into the ring in reverse order of preference… The test is to canter fence 8, halt, canter 9, trot 10, counter-canter 3A, then continue over 3B, canter 4, demonstrate two changes of lead, canter 5AB, then a sitting trot back to the line-up. 

Allison Toffolon halted very well and jumped 9 nicely, but the horse was surprised by the trot to the wall and stopped. They rebuilt the wall into a trot fence and it’s got different arches so looks different than the last round. She finished up nicely, though.

Alexandra Macicic halted promptly and jumped 9 well. Her trot jump was fine, and she landed on the counter-canter, which she kept in the turn across the ring to the next jump. She only got one simple change of lead before 5A.

Michael Hughes had a hard run at the first fence, but halted well. He did have a canter stride at the trot jump, but landed on the counter-canter lead and kept it around the turn. He did a simple change of lead and then a flying change and got them done before 5A. 

Lauren Tyree had a rail at the first fence and then halted close to the second. Her second fence was a bit weak, but her trot jump was fine. She lost the counter-canter in the turn, then only got one change before 5A and had a rough jump there. 

Lillie Keenan rode very smart and angled the first jump into the wall, giving her some extra room in the line. She got the halt early and did the next jump well. Her trot jump was good; she landed on the true lead but did a flying change to the counter lead and kept it. She nailed the two changes after the swedish, and finished well.

Charlotte Jacobs had an excellent halt and trot jump, and also did a flying change to the counter lead and held it. Her first change n the way to 5A was a simple one, and then she did a flying change in the last stride before the jump. 


Riders will return for Round 2 in this order… it’s the reverse order of the judges’ preference…

The course starts over a vertical at the top end of the ring. Then riders come out of the corner to a brush-filled hogsback. They bend a line in six strides to an oxer-vertical two-stride along the long side. They then roll back out of the end of the ring to a Swedish oxer set two strides off the rail. A bending line of five strides leads to a vertical-oxer one-stride on the diagonal across the ring. The next oxer comes up quickly, with just four strides to an oxer in the corner. 

They then roll back out of the end of the ring to a narrow white gate with mininal wings–just ferns. A bending five-stride line to a vertical-oxer line follows, then a rollback out of the end of the ring to a narrow wall. The conclude with a hand-gallop to a last big oxer. 

Sophie Simpson got a bold jump into an in-and-out at 5AB and then had a rail at 6. She finished with a great hand-gallop to the last jump where she had a lovely effort. 

Halie Robinson had a bit of an awkward jump over the Swedish oxer, then chipped to a vertical at 8 and had to circle before fence 9.

Madison Goetzmann had a lovely go, but got a bit deep to 8 and had the rail there. 

Jordynn Shaffer was quite good, but had a rail at 8.

Lucy Deslauriers had trouble with the rollback to the Swedish and stopped there. 

Hunter Holloway was very smooth and polished until she got deep to the white gate and had it down. Her horse then stopped at the wall out of the turn.

Alexis Graves found deep distances to the one-stride and the oxer after it, then had a stop at the wall.

Alexandra Maracic had a lovely round with just a few rubs. She did jump the extreme right side of the wall, however. 

Kelli Cruciotti had a bit of an awkward fence over the Swedish and a few rubs. She also jumped the right side of the wall, and had a swap at the last oxer.

Caitlin Boyle had a bit of a weak jump over the Swedish, then her horse had to reach over the oxer at 6. But overall it was quite a nice round.

Alexandria Desiderio really sliced the turn to the Swedish and had a rub there but had a lovely ride in the in-and-out to the oxer line. She took a real chance with a big gallop and a big distance to the last and it paid off with a lovely effort there. 

Alison Cooney had a solid round, but without the real consistency in pace and distances that would put her at the top. She took a huge flier to the last oxer, bringing gasps from the crowd!

Caroline McLeese got long to one oxer and had a few rubs but jumped the wall perfectly and had a beautiful gallop to the last oxer. A big kiss for her horse after she left the ring.

Sydney Hutchins rode beautifully on a cute horse with great knees, but a rail came down at the vertical at 8 and she jumped the right side of wall. A big move to the last oxer backfired as her horse added and they vaulted up over the oxer four-legged and came down in the middle of it. No guts, no glory, right?

Maggie Savoie had a nice round going but the front rail of an oxer came down. She was conservative but good on her approach to the last. Her round was solid, but perhaps lacking a bit of brilliance. 

Allison Toffolon cantered into the ring like she owned it and put in a lovely trip. She jumped the right side of the wall, but was great.

Sydney Shulman had some rubs, including a hard one at an oxer, and a bit of a quiet distance to the gate. Overall, she turned in quite a pleasant round. 

Lilly Ulrich was a tad inconsistent in her pace and had a rail at the vertical at 8. 

Lauren Tyree had a lovely round marred just by a hard rub at 8. Her last jump was quite nice. 

Michael Hughes had a rub at the Swedish and then a bit of a long distance to the oxer at 6. His gallop to the last was lovely, though. Overall, a solid round. 
Brittani Raflowitz got a bit deep to the Swedish but handled it well. Her horse has a spectacular front end. Her round was very, very good. She gave her horse a big hug and lots of kisses as they walked out of the ring.

Gabrielle Bausano was a hair deep and weak to the Swedish, then ended up a long way off from the oxer at 6 and the horse had to make a big effort there. 

Lillie Keenan owned it—just so fluid and elegant. If you want to nitpick, she wasn’t quite in the center of the wall, but in general it was a gorgeous trip.

Charlotte Jacobs had some rubs on her way around, but rode a lovely, flowing trip. It could be an interesting showdown between she and Lillie.

Abby Bertelson got deep to the Swedish and didn’t have the best jump over it. She also had a few rubs and in general looked a tad conservative. 

See a summary of the round in Round 1 below…


We’ll try and post every 25 riders or so, with updates on how the course is riding, who has done well, who hasn’t, etc. Please don’t expect an account of every rider’s trip, but I’ll try to keep you up to date!! Scroll down to see the most recent posting. 

Disclaimer:  We’re providing this as a service to those who are interested, and we’re just recording our observations. We’re not judges, just a reporters who have watched the Medal Finals in their entirety for the past 15 years. You may not agree with our notes, and that’s fine—we’re not putting them out there as the authoritative word, but as information for those interested. That said, read on! 

Want to know the order of go and what the course looks like? 

7:19 a.m., The first 10

The first to go, Sarah Jane Haskins, had to ride very aggressively down the first line. Her horse looked a bit backed off, and by the end of the course she added a stride to 9AB. 

Megan Mac Pherson had a lovely go, but brought a rail down at fence 10. Victoria Colvin’s horse hesitated off the ground at fence 3 a bit but she rode very positively and accurately. She did the inside turn to 7, and had a few rubs but an otherwise excellent round. Lucille Oken had a hard run at fence 2 and her horse was a bit peeky at the first few jumps. She rode very positively though and had a good round.

Taylor Schmidt had quite a good trip with no major mistakes. Jack Morgan rode a bit conservatively, but had a nice go. Liana Cohen’s horse stumbled through the red plank vertical and almost fell, but she circled and regrouped and carried on to finish well, showing a lot of composure. Michael Renker had a very nice trip—very polished.

Lauren Fabiano had an awkward jump at fence 3 and trotted on the turn to the last jump, then had that jump down. Alexandra Indeglia had an unfortunate refusal at fence 1, but then got going. She also had a tight distance to the red planks at 6, but finished up well.

7:52 a.m., Riders 11 – 25

Melanie Selleck had a rail at fence 3, then pulled up and circled before fence 3. The pulled up again and was excused. Michael Janson’s horse didn’t quite leave the ground at fence 3 and stumbled through it. Michael recovered well and went on to complete the course with another rail but some very good moments.

Anna Cardelfe got a hair close to 4AB and had some rubs, but was overall quite nice. Meredith Darst had a rail at 2 and 10 and a hard rub at 3, but otherwise was quite good.

Mckayla Langmeier turned in quite a polished round with a lovely forward rhythm. Jillian Schelzi’s horse hesitated off the ground at a few jumps and she had a rough inside turn to 7. Her horse swapped on the way to 11, but she finished up nicely. Hayley Waters had a less-than-ideal distance to fence 3 but finished well.

Kendra Gierkink had a rail at 4B, but had some nice moments. Her little chestnut horse was adorable!

Devin Milan’s horse looked reluctant from the start on her circle and then stopped twice at fence 1 to end her day. Sara Vozcolas was a scratch. Audrey Slouka had a very nice trip. Sydney Shulman had a really lovely round, very well ridden.

True Kershenbaum looked a little disorganized down the first line, but then got into a flow. She had to ride very aggressively up the line at 8 and 9AB, then had a rail at 10. Claire Shafran had a nice rider, though wasn’t as precise and smooth as some of the top rides. Kalvin Dobbs had a front rail at fence 3, but and otherwise very polished trip. 

8:18 a.m., Riders 25 – 35

Brittni Raflowitz had a really lovely round with a nice flow. Hayley Banas’s horse has a huge stride and she did a good job of managing it. Her turns weren’t the smoothest, but her round was good. Caleigh Thompson had a few inconsistent distances and her position wasn’t the tightest over some of the jumps, but she had no major errors. Mollie Kowalchik’s horse looked adorable and eager, but caught a rail at fence 10. She rode very nicely, but his keenness might have worked against them.

Diderique Van Der Knaap had a rail at 10 but an otherwise nice round. Brett Burlington rides an adorable paint, but he ran out at fence 3. She went on to complete the course quite well. Samantha Hurley had a refusal at the red planks, but finished well. Kai Devoglaer had some rubs and a rail at the last jump.

Taegan Long rode up the first line hard, but ended up chipping in at fence 2. She regrouped and finished fine. Mackenzie Michaels had to ride hard up the first line, then had steering issues on the way to fence 3 and two run-outs to be eliminated.

Clara Plestis had a rail at the red planks at 6 and a rough ride up the line in front of the judges. 

8:55 a.m., Riders 35 – 50

Sara Nordstrom’s horse tripped a bit after the Swedish oxer at 7, but she recovered well. She had a rail at fences 10 and 13, but in general it was a really well-ridden round. Sydney Callaway had a nice round with no mistakes.

Nicolas Horgan didn’t quite get going forward and added in the first line, then had a stop at fence 3. He kept going, though he got jumped loose over a few jumps. He almost came off after 12B, and then actually did fall off after landing from the last jump. It wasn’t the most polished round, but he got a lot of applause for his efforts!

Alexa Boggio had a lovely round.  John Porter had a rail at fence 2, then a stop at the red plank vertical at 6, but finished up well. Jane Chiavelli’s horse looked impressed and had rails at multiple fences, but she finished fine. She was adorable, though, giving her horse huge pats and a kiss on the neck on their way out of the ring.

Mackenzie McGehee was a bit inconsistent and ran into trouble at 9AB, jumping in long and stopping at the out. She finished fine. Destry Spielberg had a rail at the Swedish oxer at 7, then couldn’t make the turn after and had to regroup before approaching 8. She finished well, with a good bold pace to the last jump.

Katherine Pitts’s horse whinnied on his way into the ring. She added a stride in the 4AB two-stride, but finished fine. He whinnied again on her closing circle. Blaine Ferraro’s horse got a bit dodgy to fence 1, then had a rail at 2. She completed the course fine.

Katie Ramsey’s horse ditched out on her quite dirtily at fence 2, flinging her into the fence. She laid still on the ground for a while and medics attended to her and helped her to feet and out of the ring.

Ellie Kimmell’s horse looked impressed at the atmosphere and stopped out at at fence 1, despite her serious kicking. Serena Anand had no major mistakes, with her pace a bit uneven in places. Shelby Drazan had a nice forward round. 


Brittni Raflowitz
Sydney Shulman
Megan Mac Pherson
Alexa Boggio
Tori Colvin
Sydney Callaway
Shelby Drazan
Kalvin Dobbs
Anna Cardelfe
Serena Anand
Meredith Darst
Diederique van der Knapp
Jack Morgan
McKayla Langmeier
Sara Nordstrom

9:43 a.m., Riders 51 – 65

Halie Robinson turned in quite a nice round, very forward and positive. Hunter Bacon had a sticky fence at 3 and had the back rail down there. She never quite got up to pace and had a few other sticky moments, but finished up with a really nice last jump.

Daniella McCormick was a scratch. Madeline Thatcher rode with authority and had a really nice trip, forward and precise, though with a few rubs. Katherine Johnson rode really aggressively up the first line, then got a hair deep to fence 3. She kept up the forward flow throughout the course, but had a bit of a rough turn to 12AB.

Mimi Chiquet had a very nice round with no major flaws. Alison Cooney had a nice go, too. Hunter Holloway looked very polished on a horse with a big, slow jump. She turned in quite a precise ride and I’d say we’ll be seeing her ride again today.

Abby Bertelson turned in quite a nice round, very positively ridden, with just a hard rub at the last jump. Katie McDonnell’s cute splashy chestnut wasn’t quite settled, so she had a few rough moments on turns, but a forward ride.  Emily Hilton had an awkward jump at the out of 4AB and then a stop at 12A and a rail at the last. 

Alexis Graves rode very forward and precisely for a nice round on a cute-jumping horse.

A tweet from Lauren Tyree’s sister Catherine: “Not so sure how I feel about watching medal finals online right now. I’d much rather be there in person. Good luck to everyone today!!” Catherine was probably cheering at her computer as Lauren turned in a beautiful round.

Wendy Collins had a solid trip with no major mistakes. Lily Blavin rode hard to get up the first line and had a few inconsistent distances, but a good trip overall. Leanna Schulte’s horse was a bit impressed and overjumped the first few, having a rail at 2. She also added in the one-stride combination and had a rail at the last.

Spencer Smith, son of trainers Ken and Emily Smith, had a hard rub at 3, but rode very well on an eager horse. 

10: 05 a.m., Riders 66 – 75

Haley Davis had a solid trip with just a few inconsistent distances. Olivia Champ’s horse got a bit close to 4A and jumped over his front end, but she rode very forward and had a lovely round after that. Leina King was having a nice round until her horse clobbered the rails at the last jump. Kianna Jones got close to a few of the jumps but finished up well.

Grace Upshaw had a stop at fence 3, a rail at the last and had a little trouble adjusting her horse’s big stride. She gave her horse big pats. Annie Kuniansky’s horse was quite keen and peeked at the wall on take-off. He also carried her past the distance a few times, but she handled it well and finished well.

Jackie Wood had a nice, solid round and gave her horse a big pat on the way out of the ring. Emma Schauder had a good go with just a few tight distances. Amanda Gellis didn’t quite get the four strides to the one-stride on the long side early enough and caught a flyer into it. She was fine otherwise.

Caroline Johnson’s horse looked a bit undone in the first line and she trotted fence 3. He then added a stride on the way to the one-stride, but she handled him well and gave him nice pats on their way out.

10:49 a.m., Riders 76 – 100

Bethany Bolen’s horse jumped around like a hunter and she had a lovely go—not quite as bold as some, but precise and flowing. Genevieve Meyer got deep to 4A and had a rough ride through the combination but she finished well.

Katie Eppinger took the outside turn to 7 and had a few deep distances and a rail at the last. Allison Haupt had a nice, solid trip. Emily Kocher’s horse twisted very badly over the jumps and she had a few awkward efforts because of it.

Caroline McLeese had a nice, solid round. Sarah Kieran just got a bit deep to a few fences in an otherwise good round. Daughter of two grand prix riders—Olympic gold medalist Will Simpson and Medal Finals winner Nicole Shahinian Simpson—Sophie Simpson rode an absolutely adorable gray. She had a really lovely round. Adeline Audette had a few awkward jumps and a rail at the last. Madison Charlton had two quits at fence 3.

Kendra Harnch was a scratch. Emerging Athletes Program Finals winner Stephen Foran’s horse hesitated off the ground badly at the first few jumps, but then settled in. He also had a rail at 10. Gabrielle Hero rode very nicely on a lovely-jumping chestnut and had a BIG smile on her face as she rode her closing circle. She gave her horse huge pats on the way out.

Sarah Van Der Walde got a bit deep to 12AB and had an awkward jump in, but an otherwise quite nice trip. Alexandra Murphy’s horse looked a bit undone and had a rail out of 4AB. She handled him well and rode positively, though. Madison Charlton carried quite a forward pace and attacked the course. She paid for it with two rails, but had some nice moments. Gabrielle Bausano had a lovely round.

Adele McKenna had a stop at fence 3 but finished up well. Kate Pressman had to really ride hard up some of the lines but had a decent round. Maya Nayyar had a rail at 4A but finished quite well. Lauren Henry had a stop at the second fence then went on to a nice round.

Caroline Harris added in the first line and had the rail at 2. She also added in the two-stride and had a few more rails. Elizabeth Stroh had a rail at fence 2 and a few sticky fences. 

STANDBY AFTER 100 ROUNDS (order not specified)

Abby Bertelson
Gabrielle Bausano
Brittani Raflowitz
Lauren Tyree
Sydney Shulman
Caroline McLeese
Alison Cooney
Alexis Graves
Hunter Holloway
Halie Robinson
Sophie Simpson
Megan MacPherson
Mimi Chiquet
Wendy Collins
Gabrielle Hero
Alexa Boggio
Stephanie Bolen
Olivia Champ
Tori Colvin
Emma Schauder
Sydney Calaway
Shelby Drazan
Kalvin Dobbs
Madeline Thatcher
Sarah Kieran


11:40 a.m., Riders 101 – 115

Sunny Drescher had a nice, solid round. Geoffrey Hesslink rode a really lovely, precise round that should land him in Round 2, I’d imagine. Alexandra Ladove had a rail at fence 3, but otherwise fine. Michael Wallace had a nice, solid round. Madeleine Swem lost a stirrup from 2 to 3 but the judges couldn’t see it. She had a few rubs and a few inconsistent fences, but was fine.

Crawford Anderson got deep to fence 1, then had a rail at 3. He also had an awkward last fence when he got deep to it. Morgane Qualls’s horse was over-enthusiastic, but she completed well despite a few rough moments.

Daisy Farish had a few rubs, but rode quite fluidly and precisely with a well-ridden big distance one to the last. Rachael Hake rode very confidently but had a deep distance to the Swedish oxer at 7. She really rode up to a big distance at the last.


Vanessa McCarthy added in the first line but recovered to have a good second half of the course. David Oberkircher got a bit close to the red planks and had the rail down. The 2012 USEF Pony Medal Finals champion Lucy Deslauriers turned in a really nice round on a gorgeous dapple gray.

Lilly Higgins had to really ride up to get the four strides to the one-stride in-and-out. Rachel Turk added in the first line, but then stopped at fence 3. She regrouped and finished fine.

Charlotte Jacobs turned in a really gorgeous, well done round on Patrick. We’ll see her ride again. Rhian Murphy got really deep to 12A but had a nice ride otherwise. Alexandra Efird was just a bit under pace at times but had a nice round with no major flaws. Yasmin Rizvi had a bit of an abrupt turn from 6 to 7 but was lovely. 

12:01 p.m., Riders 116 – 125

Madison Sellman had a rail at 2 and an awkward fence at the triple bar, but finished up well. Lilly Ulrich rides Vocas, a former grand prix horse with McLain Ward who has a striking white section in his tail. She had a really nice round—very precise and flowing.

Nora Gray kicked up the first line but finished well. Kaitliyn Adair’s horse didn’t want to play today and hit the brakes twice in the middle of the first line. Marissa Kinnally had two quits at fence 3 when her horse just said no to continuing.

Anna North got a bit deep to 4A then had a drive-by attempt at the wall at 5. She had another stop at the last. Taylor Carman got deep to 4A then knocked a block off the wall at 5.

Medal Finals first-timer Grace Powers is blogging about her weekend for the Chronicle. She got a bit deep to 8 and had to really ride to get to the on-and-out, but she had a solid round and a big smile on her closing circle. She gave Quito plenty of pats and

Courtney Plutte got under fence 3 and had the rail there. She then had a stop at 5 and again at 8 to be done for the day.

12:46 p.m., Riders 126 – 150

Kristen Raue had no major mistakes and a solid round. Barbara Ann Merryman’s horse propped a bit and peeked at Fence 3, but then jumped around fine. Nealie Boschma had a long distance into 4AB and awkward jumps there, and then a rail at 10. Hannah Janson chipped at 8 and had a rail at 10 in an otherwise solid round.

Alexandra Maracic had a lovely round except for a rail at the last. Patricia Garrett had a bunch of rubs and a rail at 10. Savannah Mannes’s horse threw on the brakes at the last minute at fence 3. He stopped again at 5, ending her round.

Megan Hilton took a bit of a scenic route up the first line when her horse was spooking, then added to 3 and had the rail down. She went outside on the turn to 7 and then was deep to 8 and added in the line to 9AB. Christina Firestone had a very nice round, precisely ridden. Morgan Ward rode nice and forward and had a solid round.

Shelby Doria had a sticky ride up the first line, adding a stride, and a few inconsistent distances. Heather Flynn had a solid round with just a few minor distance errors. Madison Butehorn had a nice, consistent round. Kylie Geddes had to ride aggressively up the first line and paid for it with rails at 2 and 3.

Lauren Alofsin had a quit at fence 3 and was then disorganized after she’d jumped it and circled, eliminating her.

All eyes were on one of the favorites, Lillie Keenan. She is riding Clearway, the horse that stopped with her at the Platinum Performance/USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Finals. He jumped beautifully and her round was one of the best—really good and should be in the mix. She has such an elegant, flowing style.

Claudia Pollex had a quit at fence 2 and then a very sticky fence at 3 before stopping again at 4A. Tyler Petrie cross-cantered on one turn in an otherwise solid round.

Allison Toffolon rode it like she stole it. Great round.

Nora Jodrey had quite a nice round. Caitlin Creel had a biiig jump over the first and then her horse stopped and she fell off over his head at 4A. She ran up her stirrups, pulled the reins over his head and patted him. Sarah Gordon had a few deep distances but did well.


Abby Bertelson
Charlotte Jacobs

Lillie Keenan
Gabrielle Bausano
Brittani Raflowitz
Lauren Tyree
Lilly Ulrich
Sydney Shulman
Allison Toffolon
Caroline McLeese
Alison Cooney
Alexandra Maracic
Alexis Graves
Hunter Holloway
Lucy Deslauriers
Halie Robinson
Sophie Simpson
Geoffery Hesslink
Megan MacPherson
Mimi Chiquet
Wendy Collins
Gabrielle Hero
Yazmin Rizvi
David Oberkircher
Alexa Boggio

1:48 p.m., Riders 151 – 175

Maggie Ridenour came in too tight to 12A, but recovered nicely. The rest of her trip was error-free. Sydney Hutchins put in a stylish and smooth round, earning loads of applause. She gave her horse a nice pat at the end. Elizabeth De Naples had a bit of a rough turn after the plank and a few a few inconsistent moments, but no huge problems. TJ O’Mara, brother of last year’s winner Meg O’Mara caught a bit of a flier to 8, but finessed through the rest of the course.

Mary Claire Ray stopped out at fence 3.  Jessica Castillo’s horse looked strong, and she didn’t have the smoothest turns, but she got the job done without major faults. Katherine Bundy made it look easy, catching every fence out of stride and putting in a stylish round. Kristen Mohr had a nice trip with no mistakes. Lauren Fischer got a bit tight to 3, and had some inconsistencies with her pace.

Camila Trejo just had a few minor distance issues in an otherwise solid round. Alexa Effron rode well, but her position in the air could be a bit tighter.

Claudia Billups’s horse took exception to the third jump and stopped. That jump is relatively innocuous—just a stone wall panel with gray rails—but a lot of horses have been having problems with it. It’s situated right by the in-gate, and they might be spooking at that doorway. That end of the ring is also less well lit than the in-gate end, and some of the riders I’ve spoken to thought that might factor into it. Riders are having to come in and ride aggressively up the line from 1 to 2 along that long side, then collect for the right five bending strides to 3, so some horses are having trouble with that adjustment and seem surprised by the jump.

Kristen Berian had a good, solid round. Aelin Hill’s horse West End (who is a Thoroughbred! [Waagon Limit—Emily’s Treat) was quite keen and carried her past the distance a few times.

Abbgygale Funk added a stride in the first line and had a rail at 6. Samantha Wright had a refusal at 9A. Addison Piper added in the first line and had fence 2 down.

Emma Lena Green had two refusals at the first fence, unfortunately. Maggie Savoie had no major errors. Courtney Patterson rode quite boldly, and had a good round. Michaella Duffy’s horse was a bit on edge and looky. She had difficulty on the rollback turn to 7 but finished fine.  Emily Ryan was just a bit inconsistent with her pace and distances, and had a rail at the Swedish oxer at 7. She had a very good ride up the long side line at 8 and 9AB though.

Emma Tyrrell didn’t ride up to fence 1 quite enough and the horse half-jumped it/half crashed through it. She then had a stop at 3 to end her day. Addison Gierkink had a rail at 2 but a good rest of her ride. 

2:43 p.m., Riders 176 – 200

Meghan Flanagan got a bit close to a few fences and had rails at 10 and 13 but completed well. Samantha Gajoch didn’t quite get her pace to 1 and had a stop there with the horse kneeling into the jump. After she got over it, her horse quit at 2 and she came off.

Sophie Vigeland was a bit underpaced and has some weak jumps in an otherwise nice ride. Kammie Berns got a bit deep in a few places. Katherine Strauss had a precisely ridden ride, but I don’t know that it had quite the polish needed to get her into Round 2.

Isabella Norton rode very well, with a fluid, forward pace. Nadja Tiktinsky had rails at 2 and 3 and a drive-by run-out at the wall. She circled on the way to 8 and was excused. Alyson Gurney’s horse propped on the way to the oxer at 3, then refused again to end her day. Shelby Dedo had refusals at 1 and 3 to be eliminated.

Nikki Carr’s horse stopped twice at the Swedish oxer.

Riders in this section seem to be having real problems. Cailin McNamara stopped at 1 then had rails at 2 and 3. She regrouped to finish despite some spookiness. Liza Goodlett had a nice round with just a few inconsistent distances. Kelli Cruciotti got a hair deep to 4A but had a great go otherwise and got a lot of applause.

Ellie Williams had a rail at 2 and a few deep distances, struggling a bit through the one-stride. Jordynn Shaffer had a rail at the red plank vertical but a nice ride up the 8, 9AB, 10 line. Madison Goetzmann rode a gray with a gorgeous jump and had a lovely round with just a rail at the last.

Caitlin Boyle’s horse had a big jump and jumped her a bit loose occasionally, but they had a very precise round. Ailish Cunniffe turned in a good round. Vivian Yowan had a nice, solid round too.

Madeline Placey had a rail at 2 but a nice ride from 8 to 9AB. Unfortunately, she missed her distance to the triple bar and had an ugly jump there. Jordyn Katz had a quit at 4A. She then kicked on and finished well. Victoria Hoft had a few less-than-smooth moments.

Thea Chafee rode quite positively but chipped a bit to fence 8 after really pushing through the corner to it. Marguerite Heberle had a rail at fence 3 and a few deep distances. Tina Robinson had a really nice round.  


Abby Bertelson
Charlotte Jacobs

Lillie Keenan
Gabrielle Bausano
Brittani Raflowitz
Lauren Tyree
Lilly Ulrich
Sydney Shulman
Allison Toffolon
Maggie Savoie
Sydney Hutchins
Caroline McLeese
Alison Cooney
Caitlin Boyle
Kelli Cruciotti
Alexandra Maracic
Alexis Graves
Hunter Holloway
Lucy Deslauriers
Jordynn Shaffer
Madison Goetzmann
Halie Robinson
Sophie Simpson
Kristen Mohr
Katherine Bundy

4:06 p.m., Riders 201 – 229

Misty Redd got deep to the first fence, had a rail at 2 then a stop at 3 before completing the course. Abigail Johnston, who is from right down the road in York, Pa., had a few tight distances and a bit of a flier to the triple bar. Hayden Stewart had two quits at the first jump.

Jenna Santi was a shade close to a few jumps and got jumped loose over the Swedish. Molly O’Shea rode really well—very forward and confident. She was all smiles and pats for her horse on the way out of the ring. Morgan Dickerson was a bit underpaced and had a rail at 8.

Rhyan Serres got disorganized on the way to 3 and then her horse took violent exception to the wall at 5. Elizabeth Adelson had a nice trip but just a few rubs. Emily Perez had a few tight spots but a nice, consistent go.

Kendall Casaccio had a rail at 2 and a few tight distances. Jordan Heithold also had the rail at 2 and then was deep into the long-side line at 8. Savannah Dukes had a nice round, but her adjustments weren’t so subtle.

Taylor Sutton had a rail at 10 but an otherwise quite nice round. Jacqueline Shilen had a rough ride up the first line and a few sticky fences after that, but finished fine. Paige Matthies—the first of 20 left!—had a quit at the wall at 5. Another stop at 11 ended their round.

Kristen Hull had a nice round without a major error. Sara McDermott had a rail at 2 and a few sticky fences after that. Alexandria Desiderio had a nice, solid round with a good trip through the 8 to 9AB line. She cracked a big smile on her closing circle as people cheered.

Maxwell Levy rode the first line beautifully. He had a great sense of pace and track and really a nice round. Lizzie Van Der Walde’s adorable gray horse jumped over his front end a bit at 4A after a deep distance, but the rest of her round was quite nice.

Kate Ross rode hard up from 1 to 2, then settled in for a nice trip with just a few rubs. Samantha Valone had a rail at 2 and then a run-out at 3. Another stop at 6 eliminated her.

Ashton Alexander’s horse started spooking at fence 3 the second he landed from 2 and despite some hard riding she had a stop there. She went on to finish quite nicely after that and patted her horse as she walked out.

Isabelle Caccamise had a nice, precise round. Ashley Foster had a rail at 2 on a keen horse and then another rail at 12B.

Michael Hughes, who just won the Platinum Performance/USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Finals-East, put in a lovely and polished round with a rock-solid position, but his horse caught the rail at 10 behind.

Brittney Mirkov rode hard to fence 2 and had the rail there. She also got a bit deep to the wall, but finished up well. Rebekah Chenelle had rails at 4B and 6 but a lovely ride up 8 to 9AB and 10.  

Adam Rittenberg’s horse jumped HUGE over 1 and 2, but he got him settled other than a rail at 6. He also had an awkward, weak jump into 9AB. Madison Maners pulled rails at 2 and 4A but rode very positively and accurately throughout the rest of the course. Isabel Johnson had a nice round with no major errors.

Ali Tritschler had a rail at 2 and then a stop at 3. She carried on to finish fine. Devan Graham brought the rail at 2 down, too. Her ride was just a bit rough around the edges on the turns and approaches.

LAST RIDER!!!! Bella Canzano hit the accelerator from 1 to 2 and then went off course, turning from 5 to 8 instead of the red plank vertical.



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