The Chronicle of the Horse, founded in 1937, is a national bi-weekly magazine. The magazine focuses primarily on dressage, hunters and jumpers, eventing, foxhunting and steeplechase racing. The Chronicle of the Horse Untacked is a sister lifestyle publication that comes out six times a year and includes fashion, travel, product reviews and other elements of the equestrian lifestyle.
In addition to reporting sport horse news, we feature articles on horse care and profiles of prominent horse people. We also occasionally accept humor, human interest and historical articles. No poetry, please.
Much of our editorial material comes from freelance writers. We review submissions for acceptance or rejection on a case by case basis. We pay for articles the month following publication. Freelancers may submit queries for The Chronicle of the Horse, Untacked or
Articles appear in the magazine and/or on the website.
Stories may be sent to:
Types of Material
Publisher assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged manuscripts and photographs.
Precise publication dates of accepted articles cannot be predetermined. The Chronicle pays for first North American publishing rights. We will not print articles that have been published elsewhere previously.
NEWS STORIES – Before covering any competition, clear the assignment with us.
Approx. 1,500 words. $165-$220.
News Guidelines
FEATURE ARTICLES – We advise sending a query letter.
Approx. 1,500-2,500 words. $150-$400.
Feature and Profile Guidelines
PHOTOS – Color, print or digital. 3 1/2″ x 5″ minimum print size. 300 dpi minimum resolution for digital images. ALL SUBJECTS MUST BE IDENTIFIED. $30 – $50 for each photo published.
Photographer’s Guidelines
RESULTS – Most results must be received within two weeks of the show’s closing date. Refer to the Guidelines for Results for complete instructions.
PRESS RELEASES – Press releases may be published on our website at the discretion of the editorial staff. All published press releases may be edited for style. Please email to
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR – The Chronicle will accept letters that refer to a previously published article, photograph or letter. Letters must include a name, address and signature, and may be edited for publication. Email to