Friday, Jul. 26, 2024




Banbury Cross, March 20th, 10:00 a.m.--This meet was a joint special occasion, to host nearly a score of folks up from Belle Meade, Va., and a make-up for the snowed out Junior's Day. It turned out to be one of the best days of the year. I arrived at the meet with five horses on--two for guests (one who rode sidesaddle), one for our kennelman and sometimes whipper, my horse Beau and my young daughter's pony, Hanna.

The Metamora Hunt met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Milewicz on Rock Valley Road on Saturday morning, December 19th. We were treated to a lovely stirrup cup on this cool morning. The temperature was 27 degrees with a light snow cover on the ground.

Huntsman Patricia Pearce had brought 10 ½ couple and was assisted by Honorary Whippers-in Gay Kent and Margie Gilbert. After thanking our hosts and presenting a few announcements, Joint Master Joe Mayday turned our day over to jt.-MFH Joe Kent who called for “Hounds Please.”

On Wednesday, Dec. 2, the Snickersville Hounds met at Egypt Farm at 10 a.m. Trucks and trailers pulled into the meet under overcast, dreary, chilly skies that threatened cold rain in a scant hour or so. But our Huntsman, Todd Kern, and every stalwart foxhunter in attendance, was determined to get in a few hours of hunting before those rains spoiled the rest of the day.

MFH Amy Adams Strunk has good reason to be proud of the hunt she established more than two decades ago on her family's 7,500-acre cattle ranch.

As with any foxhunting group around the world, the members of Kenada Fox Hounds in Rockdale, Texas, have amassed a wealth of colorful anecdotes and wild tales over the years. But there’s one story that Kenada members particularly love to recount: The Rowboat Incident.

Kenada MFH Amy Adams Strunk and honorary whipper-in Jeepers Ragsdale were key players in the episode, which occurred on a blustery day in January 2004.


Download a pdf of 2009 Annual Roster of the Organized Hunts of America, Geographical Index of Hunts and Foxhound Packs Index of Masters.

Download a PDF file of the Roster of the Beagle, Basset and Harrier Packs, Geographical Index and Index of Masters.

On July 27, officers from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement, the Philadelphia Police, and the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals staged a raid on the kennels of the Murder Hollow Bassets in Philadelphia, Pa.

Allegedly, the raid was the result of an unsuccessful search for an illegal dog breeding operation. Wendy Willard surrendered 11 of the Basset Hounds to PSPCA custody.

The unentered bitch pulls off a big win over esteemed company.

As the hounds started posing and pouncing on biscuits at the Bryn Mawr Hound Show, May 20 in Malvern, Pa., Potomac (Md.) Huntsman Larry Pitts was optimistic about his chances.

Potomac Jacket ’06 had been reserve grand champion foxhound at the Virginia Hound Show a week earlier and topped the American dog hound championship at Bryn Mawr. But in the final judging for the American foxhound title, an unentered hound took over the winning.

• When staff of the Elkridge-Harford Hunt (Md.)—a Crossbred pack—was looking for new blood, they turned to a Live Oak hound. They drafted Elkridge-Harford Ranger ’03 (College Valley Robot ‘98—Live Oak Trusty ’00) and put him to work as a stallion hound.



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