Buyers from two of the leading tack suppliers said that they see the trend in shadbellies moving back to the more traditional look. Until then, we’re certainly seeing a wide array of styles and colors, some that are great, and some that are very, ah, colorful.
Or, as a leading hunter/jumper judge commented, “I hope they ride as well as they accessorize.”
Although some would say that we spend far too much time worrying about OPVPL—other people’s visible panty line—it seems that some of us have not looked at our backsides in the mirror while in our breeches and addressed our own. Not me, of course, but some of you.
Recently, discussion has raged amongst the hunter/jumper crowd as to whether front-zip breeches are “coming back.” If I’m that worried about where the zipper on my breeches is located, please just take me behind the barn and shoot me dead.
That said, for some it would be a good move. Although side-zips seemed to be de rigueur for years and years, I’ll let you in on a secret: many women in side-zips should rethink their fashion choices. That area so many of you want to hide in real life—now you have it out on display without a thing to break up the line? For real? No!
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