Hello Everyone I am running a special out at my barn. If you buy 5 riding lessons up front you get the 6th one free. I also lease horses so if you pay for 5 months up front i will give you the 6th month free. I also teach kids all the way up to adults on how to barrel race. If anyone is interested in any of my services Please PM me or call or text me @ 813-527-4053. all my prices and info are in flyer below.
Riding Lessons:$25 Hr.
Trail Riding:On Property:1 Hr. Ride $20 A Person/Off Property:2 to 3 Hr. Ride $30 Per Person: 2 Person Max.
Horse Leasing: On Site Only: $200 A month Includes: Free riding Lessons, 24/7 Access, 25 Acres of Trails To Ride On, and Trail Riding Off Property w/Barn Trail Rides.
Birthday Parties:$150 On Property/$200 Off Property Local Only
Photography:$150 For Up To 20 print Outs & A Disc. You Need Someone to Photograph Your Wedding, Graduation, Yearbook Pictures, Special Occasions, Ect……. With or Without a Horse.