Saturday, Jul. 27, 2024

We Have Arrived At Aston Farm

So I got into Aston Farm this morning at 3 a.m., and Cooper is doing well. I have to say that this has been such an amazing experience so far.... it is truly astounding to look out the window of a plane with your horse, and it makes me think about all the experiences that it has taken to get to this point and how truly lucky I am.



So I got into Aston Farm this morning at 3 a.m., and Cooper is doing well. I have to say that this has been such an amazing experience so far…. it is truly astounding to look out the window of a plane with your horse, and it makes me think about all the experiences that it has taken to get to this point and how truly lucky I am.

Now I have to say that I have never had two more interesting lorry rides in my life. The driver for the first lorry (which was the best experience) was the nicest person, and I was genuinely sad to say goodbye to him, as well as the groom that I met (named Antonio) that works for Mr. Wetherill. I would have been far more stressed and worried if he wasn’t there to help me along the way. (He’s been to the WEG in Spain and traveled numerous times to Europe.)

Paul W. at Mersant is amazing as well, and he took us to Belmont to the races before we left when the horses were in quarantine (I know Emma, I am seriously lucky). He even placed bets for us, and I won $22…. cool.

I took a lot of pictures, and I hope to post them somewhere for all to see. My horse was next to this awesome Mercedes SUV…..Can you believe that?!


I better go walk Cooper. Poor little guy—he looks sleepy!


Brannigan Eventing




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