The USET Foundation has only a small number of Breyer limited-edition models of Winsome Adante left in stock. Breyer made just 750 models of the three-time Rolex Kentucky CCI**** winner, so it makes a valuable last-minute Christmas gift that will benefit the USET Foundation too.
The Winsome Adante model comes with a story card describing his Kentucky victories, his 2004 Olympic silver medal, and more.
The cost is $50, plus $7.50 shipping and handling. Limit two models per customer. Orders outside the continental United States may be subject to additional shipping charges.
To order, go to, call 908-234-1251 ext. 53, or send a fax (with name, address phone number and credit card number) to 908-234-9417.
The USET Foundation is the non-profit organization that supports the training and competition needs of U.S. high-performance horses and riders.