Smithtown Hunt
P.O. Box 1514,
Smithtown, New York 11787.
Established 1900.
Recognized 1907.
Hunt Attire: Scarlet with purple collar. Evening–scarlet, purple collar and lapels. MFHs: (2001) Jacqueline M. Bittner, P.O. Box 269, Peconic, NY 11958, Tel: 631-765-4661, (2001) Alan Fairbairn, 49 Bradbury Ave., Huntington Station, NY 11746, Tel: 631-549-5574, (2003) Fredric Grossman, 496 Bardini St, Melville, NY 11747, Tel: 631-673-3235. Hon. Sec.: Gina Damaro, 42 Croft Ln., Smithtown, NY 11787, Tel: 631-863-0364. Huntsman: (hon) Artie Gerdts. Whippers-In: (hon) Gina Arcate, Peter T. Demetriou, Ronald Bergida, Edward Wrigley. Kennelman: (Prof) Bob Pepel. Kennels: Northport, N.Y. Foxhounds: 8 1/2 couples Crossbred. Hunting: Drag. Season: Mid-September–March. Meet: Wednesdays and Sundays. Visitors permitted to hunt–contact the Hon. Sec. Hounds went out 38 times last season.
The country is on Long Island, some nice open areas, well paneled, mostly thick difficult woods, large coverts. Jumps are timber, post and rail and chicken coops.