Friday, Jul. 26, 2024

Ocala Week VI

Week VI was another great week. On Friday I showed Cartier in the USEF Medal to warm up for the Ronnie Mutch Equitation Classic, and we were third.



Week VI was another great week. On Friday I showed Cartier in the USEF Medal to warm up for the Ronnie Mutch Equitation Classic, and we were third.

Later on in the day, around 5:30, all 17 of the riders for the Ronnie Mutch met, and then we walked the course. I wasn’t nervous because Emil and Kate had me prepared as to what to expect. We were all joking that we were “quarantined” because we couldn’t talk to anyone except the other riders in the class. We couldn’t leave the Grand Prix ring, and we even had to put our cell phones in a box!

Before the class started, Emma Schauder, Michael Hughes and I were joking that if one of us won, we had to go to Chuck E. Cheese. (There is a close by Chuck E. Cheese, but none of us ended up winning!) I was so excited to do the class, and it actually went really well. We had an awesome round, but my horse just fell off of his lead going to one of the jumps. I don’t mind; it was a great experience, and we all had so much fun!

On Sunday, I didn’t expect it to rain that hard, but it rained hard all day! We showed in the morning even though it was raining, but by the afternoon we ended up scratching because it was raining so hard! I already did the Maclay while it was raining, so I was pretty soaked, and then I had to go back to flat—while it was pouring!


We had to take our rain coats off to flat, so all of us were soaked down to the bone, BUT THEN they couldn’t get the speakers to work at first, so were walking around in the rain for an extra five minutes! It went well, and we ended up second, but after that we decided we were scratching everything else for the rest of the day (thank goodness!) like my junior hunter and the rest of the pony hunters because none of us really wanted to do anymore showing in the rain!

Next Up: Tampa!

Talk to you later!
Kristen Mohr

Kristen Mohr, winner of the 2010 R.W. “Ronnie” Mutch Scholarship, has agreed to blog about her showing experiences this year and the opportunities she’s been able to take advantage of after winning the scholarship.




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