The Hunter Development Incentive Fund—a program created by the U.S. Hunter Jumper Association’s Breeders Committee to recognize and reward breeders and owners of American-bred hunters—is currently open for nominations and is offering special limited-time discounts for stallion and horse owners.
The HDIF will use a points-based system to award financial bonuses to those who breed and show American-born hunters. Each point earned at a USHJA-approved event by a HDIF-nominated horse will be worth money. Enrolled horses will also be able to earn prize money at HDIF special-member events. Only the top five HDIF Special Member Event individual class points will count toward ribbons, points or any year-end payout and awards. HDIF-nominated horses will not be eligible to compete in more than 10 HDIF Special Member Events.
USHJA members may participate in the HDIF program as stallion owners, as the nominators of foals or as the owners of competing horses. Owners of nominated stallions will earn 10 percent of a foal’s HDIF lifetime monies. The annual fee paid by stallion owners will be based on the number of mares listed on the previous season’s breeding report. Foal/horse nominators will earn 10 percent of the nomi-nated foal or horse’s lifetime HDIF monies. In order to be eligible, the horse must be included on the stallion’s breeding report. Competing horse owners will earn 80 percent of the horse’s lifetime HDIF monies.
“The welfare and development of young hunters is the key to the structure of the Hunter Development Incentive Fund,” long-time breeder and USHJA Breeders Com-mittee chairman, Tish Quirk, explained.
Organizers hope to offer a total of 50 classes during the 2010 competition year. Visit the USHJA website for complete specifications, stallion nomination forms, horse nomination forms, and information about hosting HDIF classes. Questions regarding the program may be directed to Sterling Berry at or 859-825-6004.