Olympic eventer Phillip Dutton released a statement today, Jan. 14, on his Facebook page regarding a head injury his stepdaughter Lee Lee Jones sustained late in 2016.
“As many of you know, our daughter Lee Lee had a riding accident just before Christmas. Lee Lee was home from the University of Pennsylvania, where she is studying to get her masters in social work, and was doing canter sets out on our exercise track on an unseasonably warm December day. The horse she was riding bucked and somehow slipped over, and they both went down. The horse got up immediately and was not hurt; however, he landed on Lee Lee. She was wearing a helmet, as she does for every ride.
“Lee Lee was not alone and an ambulance was called within seconds of the fall. Once the ambulance arrived the EMT immediately called for the medivac, and she was airlifted to Christiana Care Hospital in Delaware. After undergoing surgery to relieve swelling in her brain, Lee Lee has been in the Intensive Care Unit under the watchful eyes of the incredible trauma team at Christiana Care. Lee Lee continues to make small but monumental steps forward in her recovery. It will be a long journey to a full recovery, but we are encouraged by her strength, determination and will to overcome this horrible accident.
“Evie and I are so grateful for all the love, support and prayers for Lee Lee from the eventing community, Upland community, her True Prospect Farm family, all of Lee Lee’s many friends from childhood, Benchmark School, Sanford School, University of Delaware and University of Pennsylvania, friends in Australia, and most of all from her large and loving family.
“I will be staying in Pennsylvania this winter so that I can be with Evie, Lee Lee, Mary and Olivia. We have sent part of the True Prospect Farm crew down to Aiken to get started with the young horses, and I am so grateful to my entire team for their support. I will be going back and forth between Pennsylvania and Aiken until Lee Lee’s condition has stabilized. My competition plans are on hold for the moment, but I anticipate competing possibly in February or March.
“2016 was a year of unbelievable highs and unimaginable lows. We are so grateful for everyone’s love and support and request your continued understanding for our privacy as we attend to our most precious Lee Lee.”