Friday, Jul. 26, 2024

FEI Solidarity Committee Holds Inagural Meeting

The FEI Solidarity Committee, chaired by the FEI President HRH Princess Haya, held its first meeting at the FEI Headquarters in Lausanne (SUI) last week.
The Committee agreed



The FEI Solidarity Committee, chaired by the FEI President HRH Princess Haya, held its first meeting at the FEI Headquarters in Lausanne (SUI) last week.
The Committee agreed that FEI Solidarity, the aim of which is to organise assistance to the National Federations (NFs), in particular to those which have the greatest need, will take the form of financial, technical, consultancy and communication support.
A three-year FEI Solidarity plan will be established in the coming months and will include procedures for applications for FEI Solidarity projects and programmes, evaluation criteria and decision-making process as well as communication tools.
Two new full-time FEI Solidarity Officers, based in the FEI Headquarters, will be recruited shortly.
FEI Solidarity funds were allocated to specific projects and it was agreed that all future applications must be forwarded to the FEI Solidarity Department, formerly the FEI Coaching Department, through the NFs. The deadline for submission of applications for each following year will be 1 July of the previous year. A special timeline for 2012 applications will be set up at the Committee’s next meeting which will take place during the FEI General Assembly in November in Rio de Janeiro (BRA).
Note to editors:
FEI Solidarity, modelled on the hugely successful Olympic Solidarity programme, was established in May 2011 with the unanimous approval of the FEI Extraordinary General Assembly. FEI Solidarity also includes all current development projects and programmes.
The FEI Solidarity Committee, composed of representatives from each of the nine FEI Geographical Groups, is made up of the following members:
Group I: Mr Armagan OZGORKEY, President TUR NF
Group II: Mr Jukka-Pekka LESKINEN, President FIN NF
Group III: Mr Sergey MASLOV, President RUS NF
Group IV: Mr John RALSTON, President JAM NF
Group V: Dr Jorge BERGANZA, President MEX NF
Group VI: Gloria de CUESTA, President ECU NF
Group VII: HRH Princess Haya (Chair), FEI President
Group IX: Mr Ibrahima WADE, President SEN NF




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