On Feb. 2, the organizers of the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event announced they were canceling the 2021 CCI5*-L for financial reasons.
“Without spectators, the financial requirements to host the CCI 5*-L are too great for our organization after a year without income,” read a statement on the Kentucky Three-Day website.
Now there is the opportunity to run the five-star if Equestrian Events, Inc., can raise $750,000 by 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 7.
“While not covering all expenses, these funds will provide EEI with enough resources to begin making plans for the 5*-L at the ‘Best Weekend All Year!’ ” states the donation page on the Kentucky website.
 You can donate now by clicking this link.
EEI officials say they will recognize those who donate. Those who donate in excess of $500 will receive an early ticket-purchase opportunity for the 2022 event.