Kash By Roger Hoff
Artist Roger Hoff, Grand Chain, Ill., has captured the essence of his equine subjects for 43 years and is con-sidered by many to have completed more head studies than anyone in his field. Working primarily in pastels, Hoff uses extremely fine detail to focus on the expression of the animal.
Hoff discovered his talent and passion while working as a groom and carrying around a sketchpad. He opened himself up to criticism from trainers, artists, and anyone else who took an interest in his art, but most importantly, he learned
from the horses.
This week’s cover, Kash, is a pastel of Barbara Stone-Halpern’s adult amateur hunter mount. Sired by Elektron and originally trained in dressage, Kash and Stone-Halpern have enjoyed a late-in-life career together after he began jumping in his teens. His portrait is so expressive that he appears to be eyeing anyone who passes for a carrot.
Aside from his striking horse portraits, Hoff also enjoys painting dogs, people with their animals, and the challenge of depicting entire farms and estates. He is currently working on a portrait of more than 30 dogs for Kimberden Farms, which has the largest collection of his art.