Dressage Trio By Joselyn Sandor Urban
Joselyn Sandor Urban has been doing commissioned portraits of horses since 1981. “For as long as I can remember I have practiced drawing horses. When I wasn’t riding them, I was drawing them,” she said.
This week’s cover, Dressage Trio, is a conte crayon drawing.
Urban is internationally renowned for her exceptional animal portraits. “I strive to make each portrait as unique as the individual animal. It is important for me to capture the look and special personality of each animal in a fine and well considered drawing,” she said.
Urban earned a bachelor of science degree in fine art, from Skidmore College (N.Y.) and a master of fine art in printmaking from the University of Massachusetts. In 1990, Urban and her equine veterinarian husband Richard B. Urban established FurSure Enterprises Inc., a greeting card company and producer of fine art.