Monday, Sep. 9, 2024

Cover Art–05/06/05

Connecticut-based artist Jan Lukens is best known for his distinctive equestrian portraits, and this week's cover is a painting of 2004 Olympic medalists Chris Kappler and Royal Kaliber.


Connecticut-based artist Jan Lukens is best known for his distinctive equestrian portraits, and this week’s cover is a painting of 2004 Olympic medalists Chris Kappler and Royal Kaliber.

After Royal Kaliber’s injury at the Olympics and subsequent euthanasia, Chris and Jenny Kappler were determined to have a portrait of the two after the tragedy. They selected a photo by Chronicle staff member, Molly Sorge, of the happy moment after the final winning jump at the $175,000 Cargill Grand Prix in San Juan Capistrano, Calif.


This is the first of three paintings of Chris and Roy that Lukens will be executing. The next will be a jumping painting of the pair at the Athens Olympics that will go to the United States Equestrian Team headquarters in Gladstone, N.J. That painting will be commissioned by Royal Kaliber’s owners, Kathy and Hal Kamine.

Lukens began specializing in equestrian portraits in 1992, and he now has clients in 37 states and seven foreign countries. In addition to his equine and traditional portraits, he’s currently working on a series of New York City street scenes for a Manhattan art gallery.
The original painting, Chris and Roy, is a 24″ x 30″ oil on canvas.




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