Lexington Bank By Booth Malone
Artist Booth Malone, Midland, Ga., is widely known throughout the south for his portraiture of adults, children and animals. He has a remarkable talent for capturing the animation—the fleeting moment or expression unique to his subject—that defines the individual.
Originally from south Florida, Malone graduated from Auburn University (Ala.) with a degree in visual design and spent the next decade with The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta. He began painting professionally in 1985, slowly building a following through word of mouth, then later through exhibitions and shows.
Malone’s work has been exhibited at many shows, including the Museum of Hounds and Hunting (Va.), the American Academy of Equine Art (Ky.) and in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Malone’s work, titled Lexington Bank, was part of an AAEA exhibit at the National Sporting Library, Middleburg, Va., held during the summer of 2000.