Saturday, May. 4, 2024

Cletus 2.2!

Cletus 2.2 is here! The second of the 2011 Cleo ET babies arrived at a reasonably civilized hour on Saturday morning and is doing swimmingly. This one is "out" of a cute drafty looking mare named Boo, who actually reminds me a lot of Cleo—big, gray and in-your-face.

Baby herself has a big blaze—not as big as Radinka (aka Cletus 2.1), but bigger than her full sister Fairvoya, the yearling—and two asymmetrical hind socks. She's also the sweetest one so far, and she was an awfully good sport about letting me crawl all over her. Farrah barely let me touch her until this year.



Cletus 2.2 is here! The second of the 2011 Cleo ET babies arrived at a reasonably civilized hour on Saturday morning and is doing swimmingly. This one is “out” of a cute drafty looking mare named Boo, who actually reminds me a lot of Cleo—big, gray and in-your-face.

Baby herself has a big blaze—not as big as Radinka (aka Cletus 2.1), but bigger than her full sister Fairvoya, the yearling—and two asymmetrical hind socks. She’s also the sweetest one so far, and she was an awfully good sport about letting me crawl all over her. Farrah barely let me touch her until this year.

The timing is sort of terrible, because I’ve been running around like a nutter—I got back from Michael’s to pick up saddle fitter Colleen at the airport, and then dropped her off in time to run to judge a Pony Club dressage rally all weekend. And now the holiday, a visit from superstar photographer Sue Stickle next weekend, and a horse show on the horizon. But I’m hoping I get to see her more, and I’m also hoping that her brother, Cletus 2.3, by Locksley I, isn’t too far behind.


But the most pressing issue is that I’m having a hard time naming this girl. I’m trying to stick to a trend of names that sound like Clairvoya, but this year’s KWPN letter is G, which is proving a little tricky. Gairvoya is awfully stupid. Madeline Austin, mom to my friend Liz and breeder of wonderful Dutch horses, came up with Goya, which is the frontrunner at present. A close second is former working student Nicole’s suggestion of Grandvoya.

But if you’ve got an idea, leave a comment here, or on my Facebook page. I’ll come up with some kind of fun prize for the best suggestion.
Sprieser Sporthorse




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