Getting ready for Christmas is the highlight of my year. In fact, it takes up about a third of my year to do it right. I start planning what to give in July, with casual looks at websites. And since few of the gifts I’m scouting for are for riders, I can look anywhere and everywhere online, all the big dot coms like Amazon and eBay, Overstock, and even the exotics like
Sinks can be very chic in the right setting and always useful. By September, all is ordered and stowed in the tack room so that, even before opening, that terrific leather smell will be permeating every nook and cranny of my family and friends’ living rooms as the gifts sit with, not only thoughtfulness, but aroma, under the tree. As a horse person, I know that gifts should not only be thoughtful but evoke the giver in a profoundly sensory way. Now it’s time for the D