Casanova Hunt
P.O. Box 105,
Casanova, Virginia 20139.
Established 1909.
Recognized 1910.
Hunt Attire: Scarlet, old blue collar and old blue or canary yellow waistcoat. Evening–scarlet, old blue collar with scarlet faced lapels. MFHs: (1983) Mrs. William G. Fendley, 4545 Casanova Rd., Box 47, Casanova, VA 20139, Tel: 540-788-4116; (2001) William G. Fendley III, 4545 Casanova Rd., Box 47, Casanova, VA 20139, Tel: 540-788-4116. Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Jack Campbell, 9551 Green Rd., Midland, VA 22728, Tel: 540-439-0722. Huntsman: (Prof) Tommy Lee Jones. Whippers-In: William G. Fendley III, jt.-MFH, (Prof) Melvin Johnson, (hon) Robert Johnson, Jeanne F. Clark, Trinka Thomas, Kay B. Blassic. Kennels: Casanova, Va. Foxhounds: 10 couples American, 19 1/2 couples Crossbred. Hunting: Fox. Season: Mid-September–mid-March. Meet: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Visitors permitted to hunt by permission of the MFHs–for details contact the Hon. Sec. Hounds went out 56 times last season.
The country is located in central and eastern Fauquier County, southeast Culpeper County, northeast Orange County, northeast Spotsylvania County and western Stafford County. It is a mixture of open grass country and woodlands. Fences are mostly timber and coops.