Caroline Hunt
Chase’s End Farm
17237 Antitoch Rd.,
Milford, Virginia 22514.
Established 1999.
Registered 2000.
Hunt Attire: Scarlet, Caroline County green velvet collar. Evening–scarlet, Caroline County green velvet collar, silk facings. MFH: (2000) Lt. Col. Robert N. Ferrer Jr. USMC-Ret, Chase’s End Farm, 17237 Antioch Rd., Milford, VA 22514, Tel: 804-633-1204. Hon. Sec.: Gwynne Adams, 29212 Signboard Rd., Ruther Glen, VA 22546, Tel.: 804-994-5335. Huntsman: The MFH. Whippers-In: (hon) Elizabeth Ferrer, William N. Burnette, Deborah H. Fox, Mrs. Charles Sanders. Kennelman: (prof) Terri Ransone. Kennels: Milford, Va. Foxhounds: 5 couples American, 15 couples Crossbred. Hunting: Fox. Season: End of November–mid-March. Meet: Saturdays, Sundays and bye days. Visitors by invitation of the MFH. Hounds went out 38 times last season.
The country is located in the southern portion of historic Caroline County, portions of Hanover County, and a portion of King and Queen County. Rolling, mostly wooded, paneled with coops and natural logs.