Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025

Behind The Stall Door With: Clearway

Swing open the stall door and it's like Tyra Banks is calling out a "Work it!" Clearway swivels his head around, puts his ears on high alert and quite literally poses. 



Swing open the stall door and it’s like Tyra Banks is calling out a “Work it!” Clearway swivels his head around, puts his ears on high alert and quite literally poses. 

He’s a famous equitation horse, having carried Lillie Keenan to ASPCA Maclay Final and Pessoa/USEF Medal Final titles in 2013. Now he’s owned by Betsee Parker and partnered with top junior rider Tori Colvin. Together, they just won the USHJA Hunterdon Equitation Cup Classic on July 6 at the U.S. Equestrian Federation Junior Hunter National Championships—East, held at the Brandywine Valley Summer Series in Devon, Pa. They scored a 98 in the second round.

It’s almost like Clearway is aware of his fame as he greets visitors with a regal, inquisitive look.

“I’ve owned so many horses in my life, and I don’t know what it is about this horse, but he’s been my favorite horse ever,” said trainer Andre Dignelli, who found Clearway as a 5-year-old in 2011. “I love riding him. He’s got the coolest canter and the most beautiful mouth. I love watching him go with the kids, too.

“I knew he was special the first time I saw him. I couldn’t get him out of my head,” Dignelli continued. “When I walk in the barn, I say, ‘How’s the best horse?’ That’s just what we call him. Because he is.”

Things you need to know about Clearway:


  • He’s not a chow-hound. “We’re always trying to make him fatter, but he doesn’t seem to want that to happen. He’s a picky eater and we have to change it up all the time and try to get him to eat. We feed him lunch and he has a haynet 24/7 and we try to entice him, but he just doesn’t like to eat,” Dignelli said.

  • He’s tall. Like, 17.2 hands tall. “He’s very narrow, which is why someone smaller like Tori can ride him and not look silly. He’s built like a Thoroughbred, narrow,” said Dignelli.
  • He’s totally cool with primping. You can clip him without even a halter. He’ll just stand there. 

  • He’s friendly with other horses (“probably because he’s never hungry!” said Dignelli) but he isn’t overly attached to any one barn-mate. He doesn’t whinny for a friend or get worried when he’s alone.
  • Don’t let him make a phone call—he’s a heavy breather. “I kind of had it in my head that after a while I’d fix it. But we scoped him while we were riding him, and he gets plenty of air even though he makes a noise. So I thought the risk was too big. It wasn’t affecting his performance,” said Dignelli. “When you ride him in the schooling ring, people can hear you coming up behind them!”
  • He’s polite. Clearway is like a refined gentleman, never pushy but always agreeable. He’s a barn favorite of everyone who’s cared for him.

Clearway with Andre Dignelli (left) and Tori Colvin




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