To download the full roster in PDF format, complete with photos, click here.
Talent And Experience Combine For A Strong U.S. Team
A year ago the hopes for another bronze-medal performance from the U.S. Dressage Team looked doubtful, but in the past six months, some new talent has fulfilled its promise and some familiar faces have returned. It’s never a given that a team will win a medal, but this year’s Olympic dressage riders plan to fight for every point.
Although Steffen Peters was the highest-placed U.S. rider at the 2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) and the 2007 FEI World Cup Dressage Final (the Netherlands) with Floriano, he’s no longer riding that horse. He couldn’t have guessed that new mount Ravel would go from showing in his first Grand Prix four months ago to winning the Olympic Selection Trials.
Peters knew the 10-year-old Dutch Warmblood was special when he picked him out two years ago, but an injury last year put Ravel way behind schedule.
Ravel debuted at the Mid Winter Dressage Fair CDI (Calif.) at the end of February, won the Grand Prix (69.08%) and the Grand Prix Special (69.32%), and hasn’t looked back.
He won all of his Grand Prix tests at the following two CDIs, The Dressage Affaire (Calif.) and the Festival Of The Horse (Calif.), and continued that winning streak by dominating the selection trials with scores in the mid-70s in every test.
“I was beside myself,” said Peters. “We had a good season before, so you expect a lot from yourself, and it adds a lot of pressure. When you’re done and everything worked the way you wanted, it’s pretty normal to be beside yourself.”
Peters believes that Ravel can be even better. “He just keeps offering and offering,” he said. “I think this is not quite his maxed out. There’s a little bit more in there. It’s an amazing feeling.”
And Ravel wasn’t the only surprise on the dressage team. Debbie McDonald and Brentina have anchored the dressage team since 1999. The pair took home individual and team gold at the 1999 Pan American Games (Canada), earned team silver at the 2002 WEG (Spain), team bronze at the 2004 Athens Olympics and team bronze at the 2006 WEG.
However, Brentina had to be withdrawn from individual competition at the 2006 WEG due to an injury, and in the past two years the beloved chestnut mare has hardly shown. Another injury in the fall of 2007 while traveling to Europe made it look unlikely that she’d be named to another team.
It was with some trepidation that McDonald brought her out once again at the Festival Of The Horse CDI in March, but “Mama” showed she still had as much desire to show as ever by placing second in the Grand Prix (70.54%) and winning the Grand Prix Special (72.88%).
“It’s so amazing to feel that she’s still so willing and so excited to go down that centerline,” said McDonald. “In all the years I’ve had her, this is the best she’s felt. I never really thought there was a lot more I could bring out in her. I think she’s feeling like she has more expression and more energy. She’s making me realize there’s even more in there than I thought there was.”
The third team member, Courtney King-Dye, will be making her first appearance on an Olympic squad, but this young talent more than proved she was ready by placing third and fourth in the Olympic selection trials with Harmony’s Mythilus and Idocus, respectively.
King-Dye first represented the United States in an international championship at the 2007 FEI World Cup Final (Nev.). She finished in an impressive seventh place there with Idocus. She also took home the National Grand Prix reserve championship that year with Idocus.
Both of King-Dye’s mounts showed in Europe in 2007, and she returned to the World Cup with Idocus in 2008. But “Myth,” who showed in his first Grand Prix in September of 2007, began to emerge as a strong contender, beating his stablemate whenever they went head-to-head in Grand Prix competition.
“This is the culmination of 21 years of work,” said King-Dye. “I feel really grateful. You can work as hard as you possibly can. You can be a great rider and never get the chance. The fact that it’s happened in my life and this early, I just feel really thankful for all the stars out there working in my favor and all the people along the way who have given me the opportunity to do this. My biggest thrill is that I have the opportunity to be on a team with Debbie and Steffen. I’ve admired them from afar for years.”
**Michael Barisone and Neruda were named as last-minute substitutions for Leslie Morse and Kingston, who withdrew from their position as traveling reserves because of veterinary reasons.
The United States
HARMONY’S MYTHILUS: dk. b. g., 14, Dutch Warmblood by Ferro—Flemiena, Purisso, owned by Harmony Amateur Sports Foundation and Leslie Malone.
COURTNEY KING-DYE: age 30, New Milford, Conn.
BRENTINA: ch. m., 17, Hanoverian by Brentano II—Lieselotte, Langau, owned by Peggy and Parry Thomas.
DEBBIE MCDONALD: age 54, Hailey, Idaho.
RAVEL: dk. b. g., 10, Dutch Warmblood by Contango—Hautain, Democraat, owned by Akiko Yamazaki.
STEFFEN PETERS: age 43, San Diego, Calif.
NERUDA: dk. b. g., 13, Dutch Warmblood by Haarlem—Gdadermie, Ladalco, owned by Jane Suwalsky.
MICHAEL BARISONE: age 44, Califon, N.J.
A Canadian Star Could Shine This Year
Canada’s team this year features a mix of experience and rising talent. This will be the third Olympics for Ashley Holzer, and she’ll lead the squad aboard Pop Art, who just may be one of the most talented equines in North America.
Although only 11, Pop Art has been nearly unbeatable at the upper levels for the past three years. He won every Grand Prix he entered in 2008 and is headed to the Olympics with an average Grand Prix score of 72.72 percent. But Holzer hasn’t tried Pop Art against his European rivals, so it will be interesting to see how he compares.
Last year at Dressage At Devon (Pa.) Holzer said she was going to stay in Florida this spring to accustom “Poppy” to the heat in preparation for Hong Kong instead of doing a European tour.
“I don’t think taking him to Europe is the right situation because he is so young,” she said. “I don’t want to ship him over there where I can’t control it as much as I can in North America. Here, I know the venues, and I know where he’s going to be stabled. In Florida I have my own place, and he goes out in his own field. He loves it down there.”
Holzer most recently represented Canada internationally at the World Equestrian Games (Germany) in 2006 with Gambol.
Holzer’s teammate, Leslie Reid, will also be contesting her third Olympics. She’ll ride Orion, who is in his first year of Grand Prix competition. However, he placed in the top three at the Golden State Dressage CDI (Calif.) and the Burbank Festival of the Horse CDI (Calif.), so he’s quickly becoming established at the level. An average score of 67.27 percent has proved that Orion can hold his own in the big tour.
Reid also represented Canada at the 1991, 1999 and 2003 Pan Am Games, earning individual gold and team silver in 2003.
Hong Kong will be Jacqueline Brooks’ Olympic debut, but she has Pan Am and World Cup experience, and she’ll have long-time international partner Gran Gesto to help her conquer any nerves. Brooks was also a student of Holzer’s and groomed for her at the 1991 Pan Am Games in Cuba.
Brooks rode in the Pan Am Games with Gran Gesto in 2003 and earned team silver. She moved “Sam” up to Grand Prix in 2004. The pair was named to the WEG team in 2006 but couldn’t compete at the last minute due to a hoof abscess.
Sam and Brooks bounced back and went on to represent Canada in the 2007 World Cup Final (Nev.). They continued with a strong show season in Florida this spring. Brooks and Gran Gesto won the Grand Prix at the Florida Dressage Classic and the Grand Prix Special at the Palm Beach Dressage Derby (Fla.) with a 69.12 percent. She also took home two second-placed finishes to Holzer at the WEF Dressage Classic (Fla.) in the Grand Prix and the Grand Prix freestyle.
Evi Strasser will travel to Hong Kong with the Canadian team as the reserve rider with Quantum Tyme. The pair competed in Europe throughout 2008 and placed first in the La Mandria Grand Prix in Torino, Italy, and third in the Grand Prix Special. Strasser made her first international Canadian Dressage Team appearance in 1996 when she rode Lavinia in the Atlanta Olympics. She’s ridden Quantum Tyme at the 2005 and 2007 World Cup Finals as well as at the 2006 WEG.
GRAN GESTO: b. g., 13, Oldenburg by Goldi—Grannox, Goldstern, owned by Brinc Ltd. and Anne Welch.
JACQUELINE BROOKS: age 40, Mount Albert, Ont.
POP ART: ch. g., 11, Dutch Warmblood by Amsterdam—Jody Prinses, Cabochon, owned by Moreen Nicoll and Rusty Holzer.
ASHLEY HOLZER: age 44, New York, N.Y.
ORION: ch. g., 12, Dutch Warmblood by Jazz—Havana, Consul, owned by Patricia Hatch.
LESLIE REID: age 52, Langley, B.C.
QUANTUM TYME: ch. g., 13, Oldenburg by Quattro B out of an Argentinius mare, owned by Tanya Strasser-Shostak and Steve Pepin.
EVI STRASSER: age 44, Ste-Adele, Que.

RELÂMPAGO DO RETIRO: b. s., 11, Brazilian-bred Lusitano by Luar—Atinada, Argonatua, owned by Eduardo Fischer.
HAYLEY BERESFORD: age 30, Rheinberg, Germany.
8th and 12th—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix (67.33%) and freestyle (65.00%); 7th and 9th—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) freestyle (68.65%) and Grand Prix (62.00%).
QUANDO QUANDO: ch. s., 13, Oldenburg by Quattro B—Schickeria, Akzent II, owned by R. Oatley.
KRISTY OATLEY: age 30, Leutejensee, Germany.
3rd and 4th—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix (70.50%) and freestyle (73.95%); 2nd and 3rd—2008 CDI*** Weisbaden (Germany) freestyle (74.65%) and Grand Prix (69.71%); 1st and 5th—2008 CDI**** Braunschweig (Germany) freestyle (77.65%) and Grand Prix (69.46%); 18th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) Grand Prix Special (68.96%).
GREENOAKS DUNDEE: ch. g., 13, Hanoverian by Duntroon—Dobrock mare, owned by Clyde Wunderwald.
HEATH RYAN: age 50, New South Wales.
8th and 16th—2008 CDIO*** Rotterdam (the Netherlands) freestyle consolation (65.65%) and Grand Prix (64.29%); 16th—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix (65.00%); 1st—2007 CDI-W Melbourne (Australia) freestyle (71.20%) and Grand Prix (66.04%).
DONNA CARRERA: bl. m., 14, Hanoverian by Donnerhall—Rafael mare, owned by Susan Duddy.

OCEANO DO TOP: gr. s., 14, Brazilian-bred Lusitano by Afiancado de Flandes—Ladainha do Top, Venturoso III MTV, owned by Jose Robert Guimarães and Paulo Salles.
LEANDRO APARECIDO DA SILVA: age 32, Ibiúna, São Paulo.
8th and 17th—2008 CDI-W Mierzecin (Poland) freestyle (66.45%) and Grand Prix (62.38%); 11th—2008 CDI-W Brno (Czech republic) Grand Prix (63.29%); 3rd—2008 CDI*** São Paulo (Brazil) Grand Prix (60.96%).
NILO VO: gr. s., 14, Brazilian-bred Lusitano by Visir—Heroina IV, Zico, owned by Victor Oliva.
ROGÉRIO CLEMENTINO: age 26, Araçoiaba, São Paulo.
1st—2008 CDI*** São Paulo (Brazil) Grand Prix (65.38%) and Grand Prix Special (64.64%); 10th and 12th—2008 CDI-W Lipica (Slovenia) freestyle (68.35%) and Grand Prix (65.50%); 12th—2007 Pan Am Games (Brazil) (63.60%).
SAMBA: gr. s., 9, Lusitano by Inca—Hábil, owned by Manuel Tavares de Almeida.
2nd and 12th—2008 CDI-W Brno (Czech Republic) Grand Prix Special (63.52%) and Grand Prix (61.75%); 1st—2008 CDI*** São Paulo (Brazil) freestyle (66.30%) and Grand Prix (64.67%); 15th—2007 Pan Am Games (Brazil) (61.85%).

BLUE HORS DON SCHUFRO: ch. s., 15, Oldenburg by Donnerhall—Fiesta, Pik Bube I, owned by Blue Hors Stud.
ANDREAS HELGSTRAND: age 29, Billinglund.
1st and 2nd—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix (72.83%) and freestyle (75.05%); 2nd—2007 CDI-W Neumünster (Germany) freestyle (79.55%) and Grand Prix (74.08%); 1st—2006 CDI-W Aarhus (Denmark) freestyle (79.00%) and Grand Prix (75.40%).
DIGBY: dk. b. g., 11, Danish-bred Danish Warmblood by Donnerhall—Oxenholm Pamina, Sandro, owned by rider.
8th—2008 FEI World Cup Final (the Netherlands) (73.45%); 2nd and 4th—2008 CDI*** Wiesbaden (Germany) Grand Prix Special (72.68%) and Grand Prix (70.38%); 3rd and 5th—2008 CDI-W Neumünster (Germany) Grand Prix (70.08%) and freestyle (74.05%); 4th—2007 CDI-W
Odense (Denmark) freestyle (76.10%) and Grand Prix (71.42%).
EXQUIS CLEARWATER: b. g., 10, Dutch Warmblood by Carpaccio—Abigirl, Limebrand, owned by Team Exquis and rider.
ANNE VAN OLST: age 46, Den Hout.
12th, 13th, 14th—2008 CDIO Aachen (Germany) freestyle (69.90%), Grand Prix Special (67.68%) and Grand Prix (67.25%); 5th—2008 CDI*** Wiesbaden (Germany) Grand Prix Special (70.08%) and Grand Prix (70.08%); 7th and 9th—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) Grand Prix (68.38%) and Grand Prix Special (68.56%).
AFRIKKA: b. g., 18, Oldenburg owned by Fiona Bigwood.
ANDERS DAHL: age 32, Cologne, Germany.

CALIMUCHO: b. g., 16, Hanoverian by Cavalier—Magrita, Matrose.
6th—2008 CDIO Saumur (France) Grand Prix Special (67.36%) and freestyle (70.55%); 5th—2008 CDI*** Bremen (Germany) Grand Prix (65.50%) and freestyle (67.25%); 1st—2007 CDI*** Saumur (France) in Grand Prix Special (71.60%) and Grand Prix (70.17%); 16th—2004 Athens Olympic Games.
DIABOLO ST. MAURICE: ch. g., 17, Selle Français by Plein d’Espoir IV—Orange de Norville, Et Hop.
HUBERT PERRING: age 51, Paris.
2nd and 3rd—2008 CDI*** Vierzon (France) Grand Prix Special (65.08%) and Grand Prix (65.71%); 7th—2008 CDIO Saumur (France) Grand Prix (67.71%); 6th and 7th—2008 CDI*** Bremen (Germany) freestyle (67.15%) and Grand Prix (64.88%); 1st and 3rd—2007 CDI*** Pompadour (France) Grand Prix (68.25%) and Grand Prix Special (65.04%).
WHITNI STAR: b. g., 9, Belgian Warmblood.

ELVIS VA: ch. g., 12, German-bred Hanoverian by Esprit—Georgia, Garibaldi II, owned by rider.
NADINE CAPELLMANN: age 43, Wuerselen.
2nd and 3rd—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) Grand Prix (73.58%) and Grand Prix Special (72.76%); 4th and 5th—2007 European Championships (Italy) Grand Prix Special (74.12%) and freestyle (78.30%); 1st—2007 CDIO Aachen (Germany) Nations Cup; 1st—2007 CDI Balve (Germany) freestyle (81.54%) and Grand Prix (77.96%); team gold—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany); 4th and 5th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) freestyle (79.90%) and Grand Prix (74.76%).
BONAPARTE: ch. g., 15, German-bred Hanoverian by Bon Bonaparte—Cattleya, Consul, owned by Bettina Fink and rider.
HEIKE KEMMER: age 46, Winsen/Aller.
1st—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) freestyle (75.70%) and Grand Prix (72.29%); 2nd and 4th—2008 CDI*** Wiesbaden (Germany) Grand Prix (73.08%) and Grand Prix Special (71.92%); 3rd—2007 CDI-W Stockholm (Sweden) freestyle (76.30%) and Grand Prix (71.71%); team gold—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany); 5th and 7th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) freestyle (78.85%) and Grand Prix Special (73.20%); team gold—2004 Athens Olympic Games (71.29%).
SATCHMO: b. g., 14, German-bred Hanoverian by São Paulo—Legata, Legat, owned by Madeleine Winter-Schulze and rider.
ISABELL WERTH: age 39, Rheinberg.
1st—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix Special (75.56%) and Grand Prix (77.38%); 1st—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) Grand Prix Special (79.12%) and Grand Prix (75.25%); 1st and 2nd—2007 European Championships (Italy) Grand Prix Special (78.36%) and freestyle (83.20%); 1st and 3rd—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) Grand Prix Special (79.48%) and freestyle (80.75%).
WHISPER: ch. g., 10, Württenberg by Welt Hit I—Widney, Weltstar, owned by Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff.

Great Britain
MISTRAL HÖJRIS: ch. g., 13, Danish-bred warmblood by Michellino—Virginia, Ibsen, owned by Dr. Wilfried Bechtolsheimer and rider.
LAURA BECHTOLSHEIMER: age 23, Gloucestershire.
5th and 6th—2008 CDIO*** Rotterdam (the Netherlands) freestyle (71.90%) and Grand Prix (69.54%); 2nd and 3rd—2008 CDI**** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix (73.12%) and Grand Prix Special (71.56%); 2nd—2007 CDI**** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix Special (71.32%) and Grand Prix (70.13%); 20th—2007 European Championships (Italy) Grand Prix Special (67.20%); 2nd and 5th—2007 London-Olympia (Great Britain) CDI-W Grand Prix (75.33%) and freestyle (72.45%); 5th—2005 European Championships For Young Riders (Italy) (212.90).
LUCKY STAR: b. g., 16, Danish-bred warmblood by Lucky Light—Twinny, Donauwind, owned by Aram Gregory.
JANE GREGORY: age 49, Great Cheverell.
2nd—2008 CDI-W Lipica (Slovenia) freestyle (72.85%) and Grand Prix (67.92%); 1st and 3rd—2008 CDI*** Máriakálnok (Hungary) freestyle (71.75%) and Grand Prix (68.92%); 1st—2008 CDI*** München-Riem (Germany) Grand Prix Special (71.16%) and Grand Prix (68.67%).
LANCET: dk. b. s., 15, Hanoverian by Wenzel I—Stella, Shogun, owned by Brookhouse Stud and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hindle.
EMMA HINDLE: age 33, Dreieich, Germany.
5th and 7th—2008 CDIO*** Rotterdam (the Netherlands) Grand Prix (70.46%) and freestyle (71.45%); 1st and 3rd—2008 CDI**** Braunschweig (Germany) Grand Prix Special (71.68%) and Grand Prix (70.50%); 1st—2007 CDI*** Fritzens (Austria) Grand Prix Special (71.20%) and Grand Prix (70.58%); 15th and 17th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) freestyle (69.90%) and Grand Prix Special (69.12%).
TWO SOX: b. g., 14, Westphalian by Ehrentusch—Fürstin, Frühlingsrausch, owned by Ferdi Eilberg.

WHISPER S: ch. m., 11, Hanoverian by Wolkenstein II—Gotik, Grenadier, owned by rider.
HIROSHI HOKETSU: age 67, Germany.
1st—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) consolation Grand Prix (66.74%); 2nd and 5th—2008 CDI*** Máriakálnok (Hungary) Grand Prix (69.21%) and Grand Prix Special (65.92%); 1st—2008 CDI*** Vejer de la Frontera (Spain) Grand Prix Special (72.12%).
RAMBO 394: dk. b. g., 14, Swedish-bred warmblood by Nactus—Grace, Ganesco.
YUKO KITAI: age 35.
12th and 15th—2008 CDI*** Weisbaden (Germany) freestyle (65.95%) and Grand Prix (57.58%); 4th and 10th—2007 CDI*** Strassen (Luxembourg) Grand Prix Special (67.00%) and Grand Prix (64.58%); 3rd and 4th—2006 CDI*** Gotenba (Japan) freestyle (64.75%) and Grand Prix (59.58%).
DOW JONES 13: b. g., 14, Oldenburg by Don Primero—Wüstenfee, Raimondo, owned by rider.
MIEKO YAGI: age 58.
21st—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) Grand Prix (62.00%); 14th—2007 CDI*** Oldenburg (Germany) Grand Prix (60.71%); 11th—2007 CDI*** Herentals (Belgium) Grand Prix Special (62.00%).
LOTUS: b. g., 15, Dutch Warmblood by Edison—Hilbonne, Mytens, owned by Kishiko Saito.

The Netherlands
EXQUIS NADINE: ch. m., 13, Dutch Warmblood by TCN Partout—Charites, Römer.
HANS PETER MINDERHOUD: age 34, Harskamp.
2nd and 3rd—2008 CDIO*** Rotterdam (the Netherlands) Grand Prix (71.92%) and freestyle (73.45%); 2nd and 3rd—2008 CDI*** Arnhem (the Netherlands) freestyle (77.05%) and Grand Prix (74.42%); team gold and 14th—2007 European Championships (Italy) Grand Prix Special (69.44%).
HUNTER DOUGLAS SUNRISE: dk. br. m., 14, German-bred Hanoverian by Singular Joter—Waidwerk, Werther, owned by the Smarius Family.
4th—2008 FEI World Cup Final (the Netherlands) (77.40%); 2nd and 3rd—2008 CDIO*** Rotterdam (the Netherlands) freestyle (78.20%) and Grand Prix (71.83%); 2nd—2008 CDI*** Arnhem (the Netherlands) Grand Prix Special (76.64%) and Grand Prix (75.75%); 2nd—2008 CDI-W Amsterdam (the Netherlands) freestyle (79.00%) and Grand Prix (74.17%); 2nd—2007 FEI World Cup Final (United States) (77.95%); 3rd—2007 European Championships (Italy) freestyle (81.75%) and Grand Prix Special (75.92%); 8th and 9th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) freestyle (76.40%) and Grand Prix Special (73.00%).
IPS SALINERO: dk. b. g., 14, German-bred Hanoverian by Salieri—Luna, Lungau, owned by rider.
ANKY VAN GRUNSVEN: age 40, Gemeert.
1st—2008 FEI World Cup Final (the Netherlands) (85.20%); 1st—2008 CDIO*** Rotterdam (the Netherlands) freestyle (82.05%) and Grand Prix (75.92%); 1st—2008 CDI*** Arnhem (the Netherlands) Grand Prix Special (78.88%) and Grand Prix (78.54%); 1st and 2nd—2007 European Championships (Italy) freestyle (85.80%) and Grand Prix Special (77.48%); 1st and 2nd—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) freestyle (86.10%) and Grand Prix Special (77.80%); 1st—2004, 2005 and 2006 FEI World
Cup Finals; individual gold—2004 Athens Olympic Games.
PARZIVAL: ch. g., 11, Dutch Warmblood by Broere Jazz—Fidora, Ulft, owned by H. Price, WPJ Cornelissen, and rider.

OXALIS DE MEIA LUA: gr. m., 13, Lusitano by Xaquino—Fama, Marialva, owned by rider.
5th—2008 CDI*** Ponte de Lima (Portugal) Grand Prix (65.25%); 3rd, 4th and 6th—2008 CDI*** Vejer de la Frontera (Spain) Grand Prix Special (68.12%), freestyle (68.65%) and Grand Prix (66.63%); 25th—2007
European Championships (Italy) Grand Prix Special (64.24%).
NOTAVEL: gr., s., 15, Lusitano by Forcadox—Triunfo mare.
3rd and 5th—2008 CDI*** Torino (Italy) Grand Prix (65.04%) and freestyle (66.85%); 7th and 9th—2008 CDI*** Dortmund (Germany) Grand Prix (64.88%) and Grand Prix Special (63.60%); 6th and 8th—2007 CDI*** Saumur (France) freestyle (68.75%) and Grand Prix (65.33%).
GALOPIN DE LA FONT: bl. s., 14, Lusitano by Espanto—Zorro FRI, Zorro, owned by Sylvain Massa.
12th and 13th—2008 CDI*** Stadl Paura (Austria) Grand Prix Special (64.96%) and Grand Prix (65.33%); 9th—2008 CDI**** Braunschweig (Germany) Grand Prix (62.29%); 16th—2007 CDI-W London-Olympia (Great Britain) Grand Prix (65.00%); 1st—2007 FEI World Cup Final (United States) B-Final (71.65%).

BALAGUR: gr. g., 18, Orlov Trotter by Raskat—Brusnika, Kolchan.
ALEXANDRA KORELOVA: age 31, Nizniy Novgorod.
5th, 10th and 10th—2008 CDIO Aachen (Germany) freestyle (74.60%), Grand Prix Special (69.72%) and Grand Prix (68.96%); 2nd—2007 CDI*** Stuttgart (Germany) Grand Prix (70.75%) and freestyle (75.95%); 1st and 2nd—2007 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) freestyle (76.75%) and Grand Prix (71.00%); 6th and 8th—2007 European Championships (Italy) freestyle (78.20%) and Grand Prix (72.35%).
WAT A FEELING: gr. g., 13, Hanoverian by Warkant—Wanessa, Werther, owned by rider.
1st and 3rd—2008 CDI*** Torino (Italy) Grand Prix Special (67.96%) and Grand Prix (65.00%); 2nd and 5th—2007 CDI*** Weikersdorf (Austria) Grand Prix Special (65.08%) and Grand Prix (65.88%); 4th and 5th—2007 CDI*** Fritzens (Austria) Grand Prix Special (67.76%) and Grand Prix (67.08%).
ARTAX CONDOR RBB: b. g., 16, Hanoverian by Vdumtcheviy—Veldre, Vagner.
2nd—2007 CDI*** Helsinki (Finland) freestyle (72.35%) and Grand Prix (68.71%); 1st—2007 CDI-W Wroclaw (Poland) freestyle (73.25%) and Grand Prix (68.17%); 1st—2007 CDI*** Mierzecin (Poland) freestyle (73.55%) and Grand Prix (69.00%); 1st—2007 CDI-W Brno (Czech Republic) freestyle (71.05%); 8th—2004 FEI World Cup Final (Germany) (75.80%).

PRESTIGE: bl. s., 11, Dutch Warmblood by Ferro—Quintina van de Halhoeve, Farmer.
2nd, 3rd and 3rd—2008 CDIO Saumur (France) Grand Prix (69.29%), Grand Prix Special (71.92%) and freestyle (73.10%); 2nd and 4th—2008 CDI*** Ponte de Lima (Portugal) Grand Prix Special (68.76%) and Grand Prix (67.38%); 2nd, 3rd and 4th—2008 CDI*** Vejer de la Frontera (Spain) freestyle (73.05%), Grand Prix (69.08%) and Grand Prix Special (68.08%).
FABERGE: bl. g., 12, Hanoverian by Falkland—Akelei, Akzent 1, owned by rider.
BEATRIZ FERRER-SALAT: age 42, Barcelona.
9th and 11th—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix Special (67.88%) and Grand Prix (66.00%); 1st—2008 CDIO Saumur (France) freestyle (75.50%) and Grand Prix Special (73.20%); 1st—2008 CDI*** Ponte de Lima (Portugal) freestyle (73.25%) and Grand Prix (71.75%); 1st—2008 CDI*** Vejer de la Frontera (Spain) freestyle (73.90%), Grand Prix (72.58%) and Grand Prix Special (73.32%).
FUEGO XII: gr. s., 10, Spanish-bred by Utrerano VII—Mundana II, Elegido, owned by Miguel A. de Cárdenas.
9th, 11th and 14th—2008 CDIO Aachen (Germany) freestyle (72.80%), Grand Prix Special (69.04%) and Grand Prix (67.79%); 6th, 7th—2008 CDIO*** Rotterdam (the Netherlands) freestyle (71.75%) and Grand Prix (69.42%); 7th and 9th—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix Special (69.64%) and Grand Prix (67.88%); 2nd, 5th and 5th—2008 CDIO Saumur (France) freestyle (73.15%), Grand Prix Special (67.64%) and Grand Prix (68.21%); 2nd, 3rd—2008 CDI*** Ponte de Lima (Portugal) freestyle (71.80%) and Grand Prix (67.50%).

BRIAR 899: ch. s., 17, Swedish-bred warmblood by Magini—Charis, Krocket, owned by Hans-Ynge Göransson and Kristina Gustafsson.
JAN BRINK: age 48, Hässleholm.
5th—2008 FEI World Cup Final (the Netherlands) (76.50%); 3rd and 5th— 2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) freestyle (74.75%) and Grand Prix (70.00%); 8th and 10th—2007 European Championships (Italy) freestyle (76.00%) and Grand Prix Special (71.88%); 5th—2007 FEI World Cup Final (United States) (76.45%); 8th and 9th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) Grand Prix Special (73.04%) and freestyle (75.80%); 3rd—2006 FEI World Cup Final (the Netherlands) (79.33%).
FLORESCO: b. s., 10, Westphalian by Florestan I—Rosella, Rosenkavalier, owned by Stallion Station Rüscher-Konermann.
PATRICK KITTEL: age 32, Nottuln.
6th—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) freestyle (72.10%) and Grand Prix (69.17%); 4th and 5th—2008 CDI*** Wiesbaden (Germany) freestyle (70.95%) and Grand Prix (66.67%); 1st—2008 CDI*** Bremen (Germany) freestyle (73.95%) and Grand Prix (71.38%).
SOLOS CAREX: b. g., 15, Danish-bred warmblood by Castro—Solos Larix, Lagano, owned by Lövsta Stuteri.
3rd and 5th—2008 CDI*** Bremen (Germany) Grand Prix Special (69.72%) and Grand Prix (68.04%); 6th—2007 FEI World Cup Final (United States) (70.75%); 2nd—2007 CDI-W Stockholm (Sweden) (76.60%) and Grand Prix (72.25%); 6th and 12th—2007 European Championships (Italy) Grand Prix Special (73.60%) and freestyle (71.35%).
FARADERA: ch. m., 12, Westphalian by Florestan I—Messalina, Matcho AA, owned by Inger Brinning.

FALCAO: b. g., 16, Oldenburg by Feiner Stern—Odienne, Figaro, owned Schloss Achleiten and rider.
3rd—2008 CDI*** Fritzens (Austria) Grand Prix (69.38%); 2nd—2008 CDI*** München-Riem (Germany) freestyle (73.00%) and Grand Prix (71.25%); 2nd—2008 CDI*** Stadl Paura (Austria) Grand Prix Special (70.08%) and Grand Prix (70.92%); 2nd and 3rd—2008 CDI*** Dortmund (Germany) Grand Prix Special (69.76%) and Grand Prix (67.67%); 12th—2007 European Championships (Italy) freestyle (71.35%).

PROBLESK: b. s., 18, Trakehner by Bek—Pirol, Oreol, owned by rider.
IRYNA LIS: age 35, Minsk.
2nd—2008 CDI-W Mierzecin (Poland) freestyle (72.55%); 1st and 2nd—2008 CDI*** La Mandria (Italy) freestyle (71.90%) and Grand Prix (65.96%); 3rd— 2008 CDI*** Vejer de la Frontera (Spain) freestyle (71.05%) and Grand Prix (68.25%); 8th—2007 FEI World Cup Final (United States).

PIROSCHKA: ch. m., 13, German-bred Württemberg by Piaster—Varinia, Velasquez, owned by rider.
LINA LIU: age 29, Xinjiang.
20th—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) Grand Prix (63.17%); 1st—2008 CDI*** Vejer de la Frontera (Spain) Grand Prix Consolation (66.46%).

MAX: dk. b. g., 13, Swedish Warmblood by Master—Aperitiffa, Alpen Fürst, owned by Yvette Conn, Roy Moëd, and rider.
KYRA KYRKLUND: age 56, Helsinki.
1ST and 2nd—2008 CDI*** Wiesbaden (Germany) freestyle (78.10%) and Grand Prix (70.75%); 3rd—2008 CDI-W Amsterdam (the Netherlands) freestyle (78.80%) and Grand Prix (71.79%); 3rd—2008 FEI World Cup Final (the Netherlands) (78.15%); 4th—2007 World Cup Final (United States) (77.50%); 7th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) freestyle (77.30%).

FLOURIAN: b. g., 11, Sella Italiano by Savoy—Delta, Sultan.
9th and 11th—2008 CDI-W Lipica (Slovenia) freestyle (68.65%) and Grand Prix (65.63%); 5th and 7th—2008 CDI*** Torino (Italy) Grand Prix (63.29%) and Grand Prix Special (61.40%); 12th and 14th—2008 CDIO Saumur (France) Grand Prix (66.96%) and Grand Prix Special (65.60%).

VINCENT: ch. s., 16, Hanoverian by Weltmeyer—Attika, Azur, owned by rider.
BERNADETTE PUJALS: age 40, Mexico City.
2nd and 4th—2008 CDI*** Hagen (Germany) freestyle (72.10%) and Grand Prix (66.96%); 1st—2007 CDI*** Bremen (Germany) freestyle (76.55%), Grand Prix (73.25%) and Grand Prix Special (73.64%); 10th—2006 World Equestrian Games (Germany) freestyle (75.00%).

RANDON: b. g., 11, Polish Warmblood by Czuwaj—Fanimo mare, owned by rider.
13th—2008 FEI World Cup Final (the Netherlands) (69.05%); 4th and 5th—2008 CDI***** Cannes (France) freestyle (71.00%) and Grand Prix (67.42%); 1st and 9th—2008 CDI-W Lipica (Slovenia) freestyle (73.75%) and Grand Prix (66.13%); 2nd and 4th—2008 CDI*** Torino (Italy) Grand Prix Special (65.12%) and Grand Prix (66.00%); 4th and 8th—2008 CDI-W Warsaw (Poland) freestyle (67.65%) and Grand Prix (61.71%).

Republic of Korea
CINQUE CENTO: b. s., 13, Holsteiner by Cambridge—Esther, Liostro.
CHOI JUN-SANG: age 30.
17th—2008 CDI***** Lingen (Germany) Grand Prix (62.04%); 9th and 20th—2008 CDI*** Saumur (France) Grand Prix Special (63.76%) and Grand Prix (61.08%); 9th—2007 CDI**** Maastricht (the Netherlands) freestyle (58.10%) and Grand Prix (58.88%).